Title: Blood
Series: Crossfire
Pairing/Characters: Charlie Eppes
Rating: G
Summary: Charlie's confused
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: none
Notes/Warnings: This is like eating potato chips. The next chapter of Breaking the Code is almost ready, Diva!
Crossfire Shot It hurt. He wasn’t quite sure why. He heard Don, telling him it was safe; he could get up now. He rolled onto his back and rubbed his side trying to figure out why it hurt. Wet. It was wet. He looked at his hand. Blood. Then he remembered. There was a man across the street, smiling directly at him. Was it someone he knew? Then Don yelled “Gun!” and shoved him. As he fell, he heard the shot and felt the pain. Or did he feel the pain first and then hear the shot? It was all so confusing…