Prompt#030: Secret: "Office Chat" (edited)

Feb 07, 2008 02:25

part 2/3:

Title: Office chat.
Short series: Lewis.
Pairing/Characters: Charlie, Amita, OMC.
Prompt: #030: Secret.
Rating: PG-13

Summary: Charlie and Lewis have a little chat, and Charlie is floored.
Word Count: 204.
Spoilers: 1.01, mention of 2.14
Notes: Don’t worry, I’m not giving up on the Rachel Eppes series - but Amita batted those lovely eyes of hers, and asked me to tell this story.
Disclaimer: I own none of the canon characters. If anyone wants to use Lewis, go right ahead.


In SoCal, Amita introduced the two men in her life - Charlie and Lewis. Lewis hadn’t told her much of the idea he’d formulated - told her that, based on her description, Charlie would go along with whatever she decided…but wanted to run it by Charlie first - and if Charlie refused, then, No harm, No foul, and Amita never need hear about it.

An urgent matter in Dr. Kepler’s lab made Amita leave the two of them alone together.

“So,” Charlie said.

“So,” Lewis said.

“So you’re going to be Amita’s husband, huh?”

“Events are shaping up towards that conclusion,” nodding.

Geometry. She could do worse. “You know, she has a job here.”

Another nod. “And I have no intention of stopping her from pursuing her dreams.”

“Really?” Charlie asked.


“In that case, I could write a letter of recommendation to pretty much any bank around here.”

“Thank you, but I am fine.

“Rather, I’d like to ask you to keep Amita safe," Lewis said.

“I -” a little off-balance, as that was most certainly not what Charlie had been expecting. He wasn’t entirely sure what he’d been expecting, but that was not it. “I can do that.”

“Hold on,” Lewis said. “I’m not done.”
To Be Continued
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