Happy Tax Filing Day!

Feb 01, 2010 11:47

Came home last night to discover both my tax forms in the mail! My W2 from my "real" job and the 1099 from the book publisher that reminds me: so long as I earn money writing, I can call myself a professional writer! Woo hoo ( Read more... )

sdcc, money

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Comments 4

boogybunny February 2 2010, 13:29:21 UTC
Damnit, I want to go to Comic Con.. at least once before they officially change it to Games And Movies Con. :(


nthdraft February 2 2010, 18:14:16 UTC
actually that's pretty much why it sucked last year, is that it pretty much WAS games and movies con. And Twilight Hordes of Soccer Moms. Hopefully with the 3rd movie coming out this summer... oh wait there's a 4th, so that takes out next summer... yeah, I'll have to wait till at least 2012 till it becomes good go go again :-)

But you better hurry. THere's a rumor they're moving SDCC in 2012... to Las Vegas!

Between that and the end of the world, 2012 is shaping up pretty good so far XD


boogybunny February 3 2010, 14:13:23 UTC
Would it be a terrible thing if it moved to Vegas? :D

(why is there a 4th movie? O.o)


nthdraft February 3 2010, 22:45:58 UTC
It would not be terrible at all, for me, no hotel bill! XD

and there's a 4th movie because there was a 4th book. Can't wait to find out if RP does the ripping uterus with teeth scene. That may be a career killer XD


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