Happy Tax Filing Day!

Feb 01, 2010 11:47

Came home last night to discover both my tax forms in the mail! My W2 from my "real" job and the 1099 from the book publisher that reminds me: so long as I earn money writing, I can call myself a professional writer! Woo hoo!

Yeah I know but it's a start.

I'm on the HR Block site right now filling out my stuff. I always claim zero deductions so I can get a huge lump sum back and file it early so it comes back in a couple of weeks. Last year I made more at my job than in any other year, despite the amount they take out of my check. So I could discover one of two things today:

a) I get even MORE money back this year! Yippee!


b) I make enough to be kicked into a higher tax bracket and now will get LESS money back. Boo!

Which will it be? The suspense is killing me!  Tune in later for the amazing results!

(pssh -- and people say tax filing is boring! It is what you make of it!)

ETA: Done and done! I'm getting the equivalent of one (net) paycheck back in about 2 weeks. Excellent!

And in related news, I'm pretty much going to be skipping out on Comic Con this year. Last year was so packed and so full of Twilighters pissing on the carpets it was more like a Creation Con than anything else. Think I'll go to two smaller cons to be determined, and maybe buy a new computer with the money instead. Hopefully the year after next it'll be good to go to Comic Con again. We'll see...

sdcc, money

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