aaaaaaaagh crap!

Jun 14, 2009 10:05

So I'm down in California helping out my sister this weekend while my dad's away (she had surgery so she's not moving around all that well and she needed help with the maintainence stuff she does in her complex) and of course every time I come to RIverside I have to go to the Crowning Anime Store of Awesome at the Tyler Galleria. So, went up last ( Read more... )

toys, ff, things that suck rocks, no not my favorite!

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Comments 2

doll_paparazzi June 14 2009, 21:24:02 UTC
HEY! Next time you are down, let me know so maybe we can meet up or something, dingle berry!


nthdraft June 14 2009, 21:29:45 UTC
I woulda, but I'm here just till this afternoon when my dad gets back. Basically I was here to help with shopping and cleaning and stuff so Colleen does not wreck her stitches.

Next time I'll be down will be for Comicon, if not before. I'll let you know if it's before and we can go do something :-)


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