my publisher just got me angry

Jul 16, 2010 11:54

reposted from my other blogs, because the fail is just so... ginormous...

(disclaimer: I knew what I was getting into when I self published PauC instead of submitting it to a "real" publisher waaay back in 2000. I did not go into this blindly. I just finally reached my bullshit meter. A lesson for anyone else wishing to submit to a POD -- if you do ( Read more... )

fail, you suck, pauc, are you kidding me?!, books, i hate salesmen

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Comments 5

doll_paparazzi July 17 2010, 13:53:51 UTC
OMFG, that sales person is ridiculously assholish. They immediately took the defense when they should have just had something written up that was already "canned" that explained how great it would be for you to spend a little more money, and then you would reap the benfits of the site. Not blame you for your own failures and all that. Why would anyone in a MILLION YEARS think that was a smart selling technique? I mean seriously?


nthdraft July 17 2010, 18:59:03 UTC
Exactly. But the thing is they upsell you the most ridiculous things. They'll set up wordpress and twitter accounts for you for $600? Put you on search engines for $300? Google ads? It's all crap. All stuff I can do myself. His email basically said that I wasn't making enough money FOR THEM. WHy should I put up with that when with a little extra work and Lulu I can do it myself?

Fuck 'em. I'm done. Been procrastinating a long time about that but now's as good a time as ever.


boogybunny July 18 2010, 09:43:45 UTC
This is a POD publishing site? Are they all full of lumpy granola?


nthdraft July 18 2010, 15:13:36 UTC
I'm not sure the reference, but POD = "print on demand"

I suspect they are in fact full of lumpy granola regardless.


boogybunny July 18 2010, 20:15:01 UTC
That Zazzle place I'm using is also a POD site, only they do t-shirts and sneakers and posters. Then there's Spoonflower who do fabrics POD-style and Envelop who do pillow covers and aprons. I've been considering using a POD site for a colouring book, but not really sure if they do that sort of thing printing material-wise and then there's the whole thing of "if I hand out my creative property and then it just sits somewhere on the internet gathering dust and I can't reprint it myself and what if the universe will explode?!", ya know?

Have you used other POD publishers?


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