Chase Gayle

Nov 07, 2007 00:44

Name (or alias): Sars
LJ: sarahgonecrazy
AIM SN: bluejeandame
Referred By: Ummm...

Name: Chase Michael Gayle
LJ: chaserup
Played By/Physical Description: John Patrick Amedori
He has a lot of brown hair that goes down to a little past his ears and brown eyes. His complexion is a bit pale, but he does go outside enough to have some sort of healthy glow to him. He stands at around 5'8" and has an average build.
Age/Birthdate: 16 / September 30th, 1990
Gender: Male
Wand: 9 inch Ivy wood with Unicorn hair
Blood: Halfblood
Birthplace/Location: Edinburgh, Scotland
Status or Class: Lower-middle class
Pet Name/Species: None
OWL Scores (For 1-7th Years):
Astronomy: E
Charms: E
Herbology: P
History of Magic: O
Potions: E
Transfiguration: E (just barely)
Muggle Studies: A
Ancient Runes: A
Optional Other Subject:
NEWT Scores: (6th, 7th Years and Adults Only. Put N/A if not applicable): N/A
History of Magic:
Optional Other Subject #1:
Optional Other Subject #2:
Optional Other Subject #3:
10 Words to describe your character: slacker, military fanatic, independent, insomniac, grumpy, righteous, rebellious, single minded, easy going, idealistic

Chase likes to have high goals for himself, but makes backup plans because he knows the reality of situations. He likes having the image of being a rebel and not following the rules, but only plays it up about half the time. One of his favorite pastimes during the day is pretending to read in the Library and listening to other people's conversations. Because of that he always has a book on him, but he does like to actually read as well.

He's able to see both sides to every issue because of his parent's influence and he openly resents it. The more that he sees both sides though, the more he pushes himself towards finding and getting justice. He has an ingrained sense of right and wrong that he's never been able to shake, and he usually judges people because of it.

Strengths: Both magical and personality:
Chase will listen and take into account other's opinions when he asks and wants them. He's independent and doesn't rely on other people to make him happy, but it is always a plus to have people around. He doesn't go around trying to stir up drama, just keeping to himself mostly. He can seem like a huge slacker, especially in his earlier years, but he is a hard worker when he wants to be. He can laugh at himself and tries not to hold grudges when he can help it. He generally is an easy going guy when he's not grumpy, which is usually later in the day.

He's fantastic at History of Magic, especially any of the wars and rebellions. Sure he may fall asleep a lot during that class, but he makes up for it by studying most of the night. Besides that he's good at DADA, mostly because he actually applies himself and attends the class on a regular basis. He's not horrible at his classes though, it's just he tends to not apply himself as much as he should. Or at least in the past he hasn't. He does sometimes study or read the books during the night though.

Weaknesses: Both magical and personality:
Chase can get extremely irritable and can snap at people without warning. It's a side effect of his insomnia and usually he tries to steer clear of people in the morning when it's the worst. He also has a bit of a problem with authority. He hates it when people try to tell him what to do when he doesn't ask for their opinion in the first place. He won't do the exact opposite of what they're trying to tell him to do, he just ignores them completely. Also, he has problems multitasking and sometimes even has trouble holding a conversation while walking.

As far as magically, he's not naturally talented at Transfiguration and before he didn't care enough to actually try when it came to practicing the spells. Now that it's OWL time and it's basically essential for his ideal job, he'll put in the effort. Also, he's absolute bullocks when it comes to Herbology. Things either die or explode around him and usually he ends up skipping that class. That's the main problem with his grades and classes, the fact that he skips them when he feels like it. During his fifth year he'll step up and start forcing himself to go to classes more, but earlier he would skip them a lot. Because of that teachers may not be so happy with him.

He's recently decided that he wants to either become an Auror or a Hit Wizard, and right now that's his main motivation to make sure that he gets good marks on his OWLs and eventually his NEWTs.

He also fears hospitals due to horror stories told to him by people at the funeral home when he was a kid. He would rather lose his leg than have to go to a hospital or even the Hospital Wing. He doesn't like medicines/potions either, but his parents were able to force him as a kid to take potions or sneaked it into his food. Now he's still uneasy about taking them, but if it's between that and going to the Hospital Wing he'll suck it up and take them.

Chase grew up in Edinburgh, Scotland as the only child of Damien and Leslie Gayle. Growing up he never had much money, even though both of his parents had jobs. His mom works as an attorney in both the magical and muggle worlds, but likes to take on as many pro bono cases as she can afford. His father owns a small funeral home where he's the primary funeral director. Together they managed to make enough money so that Chase always had clothes, food and a few gifts around the holidays and his birthday. But things like going out to eat or vacations were not part of his childhood.

His parents had a friendly neighbor look after him when he was younger, but once he was old enough he started going to work with his father. Some of the time he'd do busy work like filing papers or answering phones, but mostly he worked on his school work. He was home schooled, but his parents only taught him the basics (such as reading, writing and math) and wanted him to teach himself the rest. They would give him different books every month, and every week he had to report back to them with what he learned. They didn't care what order he read them in or how he did the work, as long as he learned something from it. This was how he was sucked into learning about history, especially military history. By the time he went to Hogwarts he could recite most of the great wars, who had won, the generals, and the problems that arose from it.

Besides that his childhood was pretty normal. He was a curious kid and liked to play sports and games. He tried to get out of his chores and as he got older he fought a bit with his parents. He was grounded just as much as he was praised, and his parents were always pressing him to do the right thing and 'harping' on and on about morals.

On his 11th birthday he finally received his Hogwarts letter, and once getting there he was sorted into Gryffindor. It was hard adjusting to being around other students in a classroom and having to do actual work for a class. It took a while, but after the shock had worn off he got used to it well enough. He wasn't a spectacular student and did tend to skip a few classes when he fancied it, but now he's trying to study a little harder so that he can do decently on his OWLs.

The only thing that's a recurring problem for him is his insomnia. Chase had problems sleeping since he was a kid. He would lie in bed for an hour or two until he could finally fall asleep and even then he would sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and couldn't fall back asleep. Everyone that his parents talked to about it seemed to think it was just a phase. As he grew up it didn't seem to be getting worse, and he was still growing and was healthy, so they didn't worry too much about it.

This was about the time that Chase left for Hogwarts, and once he got there it became more of a problem for him. Whereas the city noise could lull him to sleep, he quickly found out that the silence of school drove him insane. He ended up sitting in his bed or in the common room, reading or staring at a wall until he was too tired and collapsed. It took a while but he became used to only having about three hours of sleep a night. He doesn't tell anyone about it, keeping it a secret unless someone stumbles on him in the middle of the night in the common room or his dorm. There are times during the day where if it's a little bit noisy and he's comfortable he'll fall asleep for about 10-20 minutes but that's about it. Other than that he lives off of a pot of tea that he has every morning before the 'morning rush' to the Great Hall.

Significant Relationships:
Family: Optional:
Dad - Damien Gayle - Chase is really close with his dad, having always been around him while he was little. He works for him over the summer and the holidays.
Mom - Leslie Gayle - Chase and his mom have their fights, mostly about his future or attitude sometimes, but he respects her a lot more than he would let on.
Friends: Optional: N/A
Other: Optional: N/A

Special Considerations: Such as broom ownership, being an animagus, famous in some form, or a metamorphmagus. All are subject to mod approval, and if you are given special considerations, you are liable to be used for plots at the Plot Mod's command. None!

Year: 5th
House: Gryffindor
Why are they in that house? Chase is passionate, a bit reckless, and foolishly brave. He stands firm when it comes to fighting a cause and will be the first one to figure out a way to change something. He follows his heart and beliefs more than his mind and reasoning.
Position: (Subject to mod approval)

If this is your 4th(+) character (Hogwarts and Atlas), please link to recent activity (or attempts at activity) for your other current characters

MOD-ONLY QUESTIONS -- THESE WILL ONLY BE KNOWN TO THE MODS, please answer in a COMMENT to your application
Character Secrets: It's already mentioned and addressed, but the fact that he has insomnia is a huge secret. Unless people are in his dorm or have seen him in the common room late at night he won't tell them.

Character Alliance: Pro Dumbles for sure.

location: scotland: edinburgh, status: approved, gender: male, year: 5, blood: halfblood, comm: hogwarts, player: sars, house: gryffindor, location: scotland, age: students

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