Rowan Evelyn Foxkith

Jun 08, 2006 01:05

Name (or alias): Aussie/Aurora
LJ: aurora_borialis
AIM SN: Optional: hugApomplemoose

BASE CHARACTER PROFILE -- PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE SHOULD ONLY BE ONE WORD ANSWERS (Except for the last one... and use your common sense for others too.)
Name: Rowan Evelyn Foxkith
LJ: rowan_foxkith
Played By: Joanie Dodds
Birthdate: May 27, 1989
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Wand: 12" Ash wood, and Unicorn tail core
Blood: Pureblood
Birthplace: Allestree, Derby, England
Location: Ryayader, Wales
Status or Class: Upper Class
Race/Culture/Religion: Caucasian/English+Welsh/Christian
Guardian #1's Name/Age/Occupation: Sylvia Demeter Pheae-Foxkith/42/Socialite (relation: aunt, father's sister-in-law)
Guardian #2's Name/Age/Occupation: Edgar Elis Foxkith/34/Department of Mysteries, "Unspeakable" (relation: uncle, father's brother. Deceased at age 34 from unknown cause)
Siblings' Names/Age/Occupations: Mary Elizabeth Foxkith/2/na (relation: sister. Deceased at age 2 from muggle plane crash) | Cole Phidon Foxkith/17/na (relation: 1st cousin --like a brother-- son of Edgar and Sylvia Foxkith)
Pet Name/Species: Lydia/Barn Owl
OWL Scores:
Astronomy: E
Charms: A
Herbology: P
History of Magic: A
Potions: D
Transfiguration: O
Other Subject #1: Ancient Runes: O
Other Subject #2: Divination: A
Optional Other Subject:
NEWT Scores: (Put N/a if it is not applicable): [These are Rowan's expected scores, subject to change]
Astronomy: E
Charms: A
Herbology: n/a
History of Magic: n/a
Potions: n/a
Transfiguration: O
Optional Other Subject #1: Ancient Runes: O
Optional Other Subject #2:
Optional Other Subject #3:
10 Words to describe your character: elitist, proud, protective, analytical, aristocratic, bitchy, flirty, blunt, manipulative, stubborn

Personality: Rowan prides herself in being an elitist Slytherin pureblood. She believes that if she looks and acts like everything in her life is perfect, it will be. She will stop at nothing to get what she wants, even if it involves sacrificing her integrity and throwing morals out the window. If someone tries to interfere with the way she does things or attempt to deter her from her goal, she will use all her power to crush said person. Rowan believes that if one is weak, that person deserves to be stepped on and manipulated. Being weak isn't acceptable under any circumstances.

Strengths: Both magical and personality:

Magical: Rowan has a knack for learning things fast and has good reflexes, but don't ask her to step near a quidditch field. She despises the sport. Because of her quick reflexes and quick learning, she excels in Defense Against the Dark Arts and Transfiguration. Transfiguration comes the most natrually to her. She tends to knitpick and spend extra time making sure she does each spell perfectly, that combined with it coming more naturally for her, makes her do very well in that class. She's not the best at Charms, but good enough to get an A on her O.W.L. She understands the importance of Charms and how it is important that one learn and be reasonably accomplished at doing such magic. Most menial tasks involve Charm work and it's best to be good at them or make a fool of yourself. Rowan has always been interested in Ancient Runes. She likes to think of it more as a hobby than an actual subject. Finding the history behind the ancient symbols and translations fascinating, Rowan avidly pays attention in class and does her best in the class which succeeded in getting her an O on the O.W.L.. Astronomy is another class Rowan likes to think of as a hobby. She enjoys looking at the stars and learning more about them.

Personal: Rowan thinks that blood is a very important factor in one's life. She is very loyal to her family. She believes blood is thicker than water, no matter what the circumstances. Although Rowan doesn't believe in love anymore, at least not romantically. She loves some of the younger girls like sisters. One might see it as compensation for the little sister she lost when she was 6, although Rowan would never admit to it. Rowan has a strong affection for Daciana Javensworth. She tries to be a mentor to the younger girl and help mould her into an aristocratic pureblood that Rowan, herself, tries to be. In that sense, she is capable of sisterly love and takes offenses to her close friends personally.

Weaknesses: Both magical and personality:

Magical: Rowan is terrible at physical magic (ie. potions and herbology). She just doesn't understand it. In regards to Rowan's magic usage, she can sometimes be over analytical on a complex charm or transfiguration spell, which might end up in her spending much longer on it than needed. One could almost view that as being a perfectionist. She wants it right the first time, even if that means spending an extra 10 minutes on perfecting a wand movement or a flick of the wrist. If Rowan views it as
something important, it must be done perfectly.

Personal: As mentioned before in the Personality section, Rowan has issues with not being up to par with perfection. Which usually results in a veneer over her so it looks like she is doing everything right. This is bad because it keeps her inner feelings locked up inside of her. On the inside, Rowan is very insecure about herself. Of course on the outside she may ooze self-confidence, but she constantly has to be living up to her Aunt's expectations, and over the years the constant nagging an unrelenting criticism she gets from her has eaten away most of her self-confidence on the inside. If one were to take the time and dig deep into Rowan's inner self, they'd find a soul waiting to be shattered.

Fears: Heights: Rowan detests Quidditch. She refuses to even sit in the stands. The only way Rowan would go to a game is if she was forcibly dragged there and strapped to the bench. Part of this was because of her parents and sister dying in a muggle plane crash. One more reason why Rowan hates muggles, although she'd never admit to it because of that. She seldom talks about her parent's and sister's deaths. It's an extremely touchy subject.

Love: One of the main reasons Rowan's inner self is so fragile was because of a Muggle boy she fell in love with the summer before 5th year. When Rowan was younger, she sub-consciously sought out people who reminded her of her parents and their genuine goodness towards others. She lived the first few years of her life in a muggle neighborhood playing with muggle girls her age. When she moved to Wales to live with her Aunt, she would visit the muggle village in Ryayader. She found it fascinating. One muggle boy, Charlie, had given her first kiss when she had strayed away from her Aunt one day in the village. Her Aunt had forbidden her from seeing the muggle boy and associating with any other muggles, for that matter, anymore. Rowan didn't like this at all. Over the years, Rowan often snuck down into the village, seeing various boys and Charlie. The summer before Rowan's 5th year, she fell in love with Charlie. Rowan loved the idea of romance in a Romeo and Juliet kind of way. Charlie, who was older than Rowan by a 2 years, found this amusing and lead the poor girl on, enough for Rowan to loose her virginity at the tender age of 15 and break her heart. After that, Rowan lost all compassion towards muggles and receded into a shell of insecurity. During this time of Rowan's life she embraced the values that her Aunt Sylvia had been feeding down her throat for years and never understood until then. Rowan gave up trying to retain any memories of the goodness her parents left her with.

History: Rowan Evelyn Foxkith was born to Lord Richard Foxkith and Lady Anabelle Bree in Allestree, Derby of Derbyshire, England, both families from long pureblood lines. The Foxkith's are known for their predominately Slytherin background and meddling with the Dark arts. The Bree’s on the other hand were predominantly Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. Rowan’s parents’ story is that of star-crossed lovers. Her mother, Anabelle, was the sweetest, most compassionate Hufflepuff one could find. Richard immediately fell in love with her. Much to his parents distaste. A Slytherin mixing with a Hufflepuff wasn’t exactly what his parents had in mind, then again she was from a highly respected pureblood family. The two married. Anabelle, being the muggle lover she was, convinced Richard to live among the muggles. Reginold and Edwina Foxkith frowned upon their son’s decision and quickly disowned him from the family.

Despite Richard’s family, Richard and Anabelle had two daughters: Rowan Evelyn and Mary Elizabeth. Rowan was the eldest and Mary the youngest. The two loved to play with each other and Rowan adored her little sister. Rowan always had muggle friends in the neighborhood. When Rowan turned 4 she started going to her Aunt Sylvia Foxkith’s to start her schooling. Although the Foxkith’s didn’t agree with their son’s choices they weren’t about to deny a Foxkith heiress her education under their wing. It was best to learn by her Aunt, as her 1st cousin, Cole, was only one year her elder.

Shortly after Rowan’s 6th birthday, her parents went on Holiday to America via a muggle areoplane. Rowan couldn’t go as she had to continue her schooling, but Mary went, as she was only 2 at the time. On the return journey, a few days before Christmas, the plane crashed and there were no survivors to speak of. Upon hearing this news, the Foxkith family immediately took Rowan under their wing. Rowan was to live with her Aunt Sylvia and Uncle Edgar and grow up with Cole at Foxkith Manor in the countryside of Ryayader, Wales. As soon as Rowan heard the news, she was distraught. She refused to leave her new room at Foxkith manor for over a week, before her Aunt stepped in and forced her to attend family dinner and her lessons with Cole, at times using the aid of the Castius family and their daughter Aislin to help Rowan understand traditional pureblood values. Aislin being the only child Rowan was allowed to play with, at least until she went to Hogwarts and was able to associate herself with other children of similar breeding and moral values.

After years upon years of living with the her Uncle, who died a year after Rowan’s joining their household, and Aunt, Rowan’s views became molded into a perfect Slytherin. She learned to despise muggles and only trust blood. Cole became her best friend and days of muggle friends were long gone. When she was 11, she was sorted into Slytherin at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Over the years, Rowan grew up to be a flirtatious, blonde beauty. She had been going to galas for as long as she could remember and made her debut in pureblood society on her 13th birthday. Rowan found that the galas were a great source of amusement as long as old men kept to themselves. Discovering boys shortly thereafter, Rowan could be discovered sneaking into the muggle village for her own amusements. Now, Rowan is a 16 year old 6th year at Hogwarts and is making the most of it by partying, fooling around, and trying to keep various other Slytherin pureblood girls in line with their proper future.

Physical Description: At the least, provide base details of build, height, eye/hair colour, and complexion. Rowan is of medium height at 5' 7" and slender. She's very careful about what she eats and how she looks. Her complexion is fair and mostly clean, but every so often a blemish will appear, and naturally Rowan will freak out, apply massive amounts of cover-up --she isn't that faithful in her charms work to attempt somthing on her face, she's not stupid-- and complain until it goes away. Her eyes are light, ocean blue that are almond shaped. Her hair is long, chest length of medium blonde that is usually kept down and curls slightly at the ends.

Significant Relationships:
Family: Optional: Rowan is estranged from her mother's side of the family, the respected, pureblood Bree's.
Friends: Optional: Daciana Javensworth and Elanor Munwane: Rowan loves the two girls like little sisters and tries to take care of them as such. | Aislin Castius: Rowan's best friend since childhood. Asilin was the only child Rowan was allowed to play with growing up. |Penelope Cervantes: Rowan was remarkably good friends with her 1st-4th year. Penny exemplified what Rowan's life should have been like if her parents hadn't of died. | Dimitri Valerian: Rowan has known him since childhood, as he often played with her cousin, Cole. Since Rowan has been at Hogwarts she has become good friends with him and confides in him about a lot and goes to him as her main source of comfort.
Other: Optional:

Special Considerations: Such as broom ownership, being an animagus, famous in some form, or a metamorphmagus. All are subject to mod approval. n/a

Year: 6th
House: Slytherin
Why are they in that house? Rowan is in Slytherin partially because of her blood as a Foxkith, and she told the hat she would rip it to shreds if it put her anywhere else. Rowan is cunning, bold, manipulative. She is also an elitist aristocrat. She feels she has to be there, as any other house would be a disgrace.
Position: (Subject to mod approval)

Prior School:
What house were they in? (Or would they have been in had they gone to Hogwarts?):
Why were they in that house? (Or why would they have been in that house?):

Prior School:
What house were they in? (Or would they have been in had they gone to Hogwarts?):
Why were they in that house? (Or why would they have been in that house?):


Rowan padded quietly down the stairs of the girl's dormitory. It was never proper for one to sound like a hippogryff. She walked over towards the couch and sat down. Leaning back into the couch, she let out a sigh. Two hours on transfiguration essay was definitely long enough in Rowan's book, but it had to be perfect. Now satisfied with her paper, Rowan was able to relax, at least for a little while until dinner.

Relaxation didn't seem to want to come. Rowan's mind was distracted by her Aunt's recent letter. It had mentioned something about Cole, but only in passing. Still, Rowan worried about him. He was like a brother to her and if something were to happen to him... Rowan couldn't even imagine what she'd do. Deciding to forgo sitting and dwelling in thoughts of the unknown, Rowan got up from her seat on the couch and walked out of the common room.

year: 7, status: approved, location: england, location: wales, gender: female, house: slytherin, comm: hogwarts, location: england: derby, player: aussie, blood: pureblood, age: students

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