Amorisa Amherst

Jun 07, 2006 23:22

Name (or alias): Ashley
LJ: ladydemando
AIM SN: Optional: TheMaidenAmorisa

BASE CHARACTER PROFILE -- PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE SHOULD ONLY BE ONE WORD ANSWERS (Except for the last one... and use your common sense for others too.)
Name: Amorisa Amherst
LJ: amorisaamherst
Played By: Heather Marks
Birthdate: November 11th, 1991
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Wand: 9 1/2 Oak Wand with Tail of a Unicorn core
Blood: Half-Blood
Birthplace: London, England
Location: London, England
Status or Class: Class Half-Blood Family
Race/Culture/Religion: Caucasian/British/Agnostic
Guardian #1's Name/Age/Occupation: Vincent Amherst/39/Gringotts Employee
Guardian #2's Name/Age/Occupation: Andrea Amherst/39/ Medi Witch
Siblings' Names/Age/Occupations: Amorisa does not have any blood siblings, she and Maxamillion ‘Wind’ Windeatt ‘adopted’ each other, and plan to make it legal after Hogwarts. Wind is a 6th year Slytherin. Amorisa also has a god brother, Colin Mayfield, who is a 7th Year Slytherin and Head Boy. She also has a few cousins that attend Hogwarts.
Pet Name/Species: Mystic, small black kitten
OWL Scores: Amorisa has not taken her owls yet, but here are the grade’s she is currently receiving
Astronomy: A
Charms: E
Herbology: A
History of Magic: A
Potions: P
Transfiguration: E
Other Subject #1: Care of Magical Creatures O
Other Subject #2: Divination O
Optional Other Subject:
NEWT Scores: (Put N/a if it is not applicable): N/A
History of Magic:
Optional Other Subject #1:
Optional Other Subject #2:
Optional Other Subject #3:
10 Words to describe your character: Naïve, Loyal, Ambitious, Sweet, Friendly, Understanding, Misunderstood, Devoted, Romantic, Reliable.

Personality: Amorisa is a very happy go lucky person. She’s sweet and wants to be friends with everyone, despite their house, their blood status, year/age or what side she supports. She can be at times a bit naïve about situations she gets in (namely her boyfriend) and about the world around her. She is very hard working, and tries to do her best in everything. She loves to read and can be seen more often then not reading a romance novel, which causes her to be a hopeless romantic.

However, while Amorisa can be friendly and kind, she is fiercely loyal to those she loves, and does not appreciate it when somebody hurts them. If that happens, she can get quite nasty and say some stuff that she will regret later, but feel is justifiable at the time being

Strengths: Both magical and personality: Both magical and personality: Personality wise, Amorisa’s strength is that she is a loyal friend. She is always there to listen to her friends and is always there to provide emotional and physical support to them.

Magic wise, Amorisa is good when it comes to wand work, and her love for pets, and her good grades in Care of Magical creatures make her want to become a Veternarian when she leaves Hogwarts.

Weaknesses: Both magical and personality: Both magical and personality: Amorisa’s Weakness personality wise is obviously that she is naïve. Anyone would see something wrong with the way Adrian treats her at times, but Amorisa just uses the excuse that he can’t help the way that he was raised to justify his actions. In that sense, it is her biggest weakness.

Magic wise Amorisa’s weakness is potions, or anything that cant be solved by using a wand (with the exception of ComC and Divination), because it has a science to it, there is a right way, or a wrong way to do it, and it can come up with some dire consequences if you do it the wrong way.

Fears: Amorisa fear’s being left alone, (like her loved ones leaving her or dying) or hated by her peers. She loves being around people, and loves being accepted. She can’t stand not being liked, let’s say, by Gillichu Chandler. She knows the boy’s dislike of her should mean nothing, but it does. She doesn’t understand that it’s near impossible to be liked by everyone. She is afraid of her loved ones (especially Adrian) abandoning her.

History: Amorisa was born in London, England on November 11th, 1991 to Andrea and Vincent Amherst, a muggleborn wizard and pureblood wizard, thus making Amorisa a half-blood.

The fact that Amorisa’s father married a muggleborn wizard has caused some friction in the family. The reason of this being that her father’s side of the family are fierce followers of he who must not be named, and had expected their son to follow in her footsteps, but were dismayed when Vincent turned his back on them to marry a muggle, and a Gryffindor to boot when their family all come from a long line of Slytherins. However, they feel there is still hope for Amorisa, hope that she would follow in their footsteps and not her fathers.

When Amorisa got to school, she was grateful to be sorted into Slytherin, but sometimes wondered why she was in that house, despite the fact that she feels she has some ambition, she feels she has no other qualities that make her a Slytherin. Still, she was happy to be sorted into the house, because she could be close to Lucas and Colin. She however was dismayed to see that Lucas and Colin took their role as her cousin and god brother a little too seriously. For any boy that Amorisa showed interest in would show a lack of interest in her once they had a little chat with him.

She made friends with fellow third years such as Sara, Anya, JJ and Logan, as well as Genie and Maxine, and gets along well with all her friends and likes to have gossip sessions filled with candy and sweets with them.

She started dating Adrian Devlin in her 3rd year, and was pleased and relieved to realize that he was one boy to not be scared away by her over protective family. It was also in her 3rd year that she met her ‘adoptive brother’ Wind.

Physical Description: Amorisa is 5’1. She has a petite build, average looking. She’s not chubby, but she’s not super model thin either. She has blue eyes and black hair that goes past her shoulders

Significant Relationships:
Family: Amorisa really isn’t getting along with her mother and father right now. Her significant relationships are with her cousin Lucas Longshore, her cousin Dari Davidson, her ‘cousin’ Naia Bergren, her god brother Colin Mayfield and her adoptive brother Wind.
Friends: It is unfair to point out a significant relationship of one friend, or a few ‘significant ones’ when Amorisa considers all her friends to be valuable and significant to her life
Other: Of course, Amorisa has a very significant relationship with her boyfriend Adrian. She spends as much time as she can with him, and can be quite disgustingly mushy and romantic with him.

Special Considerations: N/A

Year: 3rd year
House: Slytherin
Why are they in that house? Amorisa’s whole family on her father’s side all descend from Slytherin. (Her mother is the only Witch in her muggle family and was from Gryffindor). She doesn’t consider herself very brave, which rules out Gryffindor. She is however ambitious. She works hard for what she wants and doesn’t give up. She wants to be perfect, perfect for Adrian, perfect, perfect for her friends and perfect for her family. Which is why she constantly has Aislin (and at times) Adrian ‘tutor’ her on how to become a better person, because her ambition drives her to do so.
Postion: N/A

Prior School:
What house were they in? (Or would they have been in had they gone to Hogwarts?):
Why were they in that house? (Or why would they have been in that house?):

Prior School:
What house were they in? (Or would they have been in had they gone to Hogwarts?):
Why were they in that house? (Or why would they have been in that house?):

Amorisa walked into the Great Hall for breakfast. Looking around at the students around her, she just couldn’t understand how some of them could be so…so chipper and awake. She was most certainly not a morning person. Not in the least.

Making her way over to Slytherin table, waving and giving the polite ‘hello’s’ and ‘good morning’s’ to her friends and acquaintance’s she poured herself a cup of hot chocolate and buttered herself a piece of toast as she waited for her boyfriend Adrian Devlin to join her

Character Secrets: N/A

Character Alliance: Unknown at this point. She doesn’t like the Dark Lord and what he stands for, but her boyfriend Adrian Devlin wants her to follow the side of the Dark Lord and the Death Eaters. So she is currently undecided. She may just support the fact that Adrian supports the Dark Lord when they marry, but just be neutral. I really don’t know yet. Sorry

status: dropped, player: ashley

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