William Aidan Farley

Jul 01, 2006 08:32

Name (or alias): Gemma
LJ: illuxtris
AIM SN: Gemkarita

BASE CHARACTER PROFILE -- PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE SHOULD ONLY BE ONE WORD ANSWERS (Except for the last one... and use your common sense for others too.)
Name: William Aidan Farley
LJ: williamfarley
Played By: Kevin Zegers
Birthdate: 23 October 1989
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Wand: 12 1/12 inches, Birch, dragon heartstring core
Blood: Pureblood
Birthplace: Canterbury, Kent, England
Location: Canterbury, Kent, England
Status or Class: Upper class; old pureblood family, but not as old as, say, the Malfoys or Blacks
Race/Culture/Religion: Caucasian/British
Guardian #1's Name/Age/Occupation: Lucian Farley/41/Businessman (owns a business that deals with large scale supplying of ingredients for potions and wand-making)
Guardian #2's Name/Age/Occupation: Emilia Johnston-Farley/39/stay at home wife, but helps in the business sometimes
Siblings' Names/Age/Occupations: Anna Elizabeth Farley/15/Hufflepuff at Hogwarts
Pet Name/Species: Damon/Eagle owl

OWL Scores: (These are possible OWL scores, since William's only a 5th year student.)
Astronomy: A
Charms: O
Herbology: D to P
History of Magic: A
Potions: E
Transfiguration: E to O
Other Subject #1: Ancient Runes: A to E
Other Subject #2: Arithmancy: A to E
Optional Other Subject: Care of Magical Creatures: a very unstable A

NEWT Scores: (Put N/a if it is not applicable): N/A. Will hasn't even taken the OWLs yet. XD

10 Words to describe your character: silent, practical, loyal, stable, (brutally) honest, laidback, impartial, unassuming, polite, helpful

Personality: William is nice and friendly, but his usually silent disposition can create a different impression. Add to this his preference of not making the first (or any) move in approaching people, and he gets that air of being either being a loner or having an air of superiority, neither of which is true. Will does prefer to be alone in most of his free time (he thinks he has done enough socializing during classes), but when companionship presents itself, he doesn't get annoyed and shun it. He's pleasant and polite to everyone, and if asked for help of some kind, would do what he can to extend assistance. But again, not unless you have a close relationship with him, Will would not move a finger if you don't ask him first.

William's pretty impassive when it comes to bloodlines. He is neither an elitist nor has a welcoming hand for muggleborns. For him, there are more important things to ponder about than whether he is for muggleborns or not, and so his stance remains neutral. His laidback nature also contributes to his being unimpressed and unintimidated by stature, riches, supposed intelligence (not unless there is an actual demonstration of it), beauty and other glittery things.

William is not showy with his emotions and affections, and is a little awkward demonstrating them in public or with people he doesn't feel close to. He has a strong sense of duty, however, and if social functions call for him to kiss the cheek of some lady or talk to the most crass gentleman in the party, then he would, all in the name of appearances and well-manneredness. This also extends to his trying to embrace his 'destiny' of inheriting the family business, even if he'd much rather be an auror or a curse breaker.

Born in a cusp, William is a Libra/Scorpio who strives to create balance and harmony between self and others through investigation and probing. They are often strongly intuitive and penetrating. In their leisure time, Libra/Scorpios tend to have a definite lazy streak. However, this is barely perceptible because they also enjoy difficult pursuits that challenge them to excel, and they refuse to settle for being anything less than the best. They may have a particular affinity for activities that let them get out in nature. They have a skill of seeing all sides of a situation with great passion and strength.

Strengths: Both magical and personality: All of the subjects that require the use of a wand are William's favourite and strongest subjects. He doesn't think of doing additional reading in Defense Agains the Dark Arts and Charms as troublesome work, and he figures Transfiguration is going to be useful someday in some way. His interest in these subjects, especially the former two, are brought about by dueling lessons he gets from his uncle during the summer days away from Hogwarts. This has made William quite competent and able when it comes to dueling, and the reflexes he got from the dueling sometimes translate itself when he's on a broom and playing Quidditch.

As for other subjects, he gets decent grades in them because of the Hufflepuff trait of working hard. He doesn't exactly get whipped in excitement over Potions, but because he knows it will be vital to know these things to run the family business, he does his best in the subject.

Personality-wise, William's strength is exactly those mentioned above -- when he has set a goal for himself, he is determined to succeed. As defined by being a Libra/Scorpio, his great strength is his drive for peace and harmony (being diplomatic and polite) and his determination to see things through to the end.

Weaknesses: Both magical and personality: While he is barely passing CoMC, William is just dreadful with Herbology. After a couple of mishaps with plants (and they're supposed to be more harmless than animals!) and killing the others, he has decided that to hell with it, nevermind if he actually does need some semblance of knowledge of the subject for the family business.

William's attitude that border on being too laidback makes him indecisive in important matters that every pureblood should take a stand on. If you ask him now if he's pro or anti-muggles and muggleborns, he will give a safe, neutral answer that is nowhere near definite. He would continually delay and refuse to take a stand, probably until someone close to him is directly affected. His sense of family duty and keeping up proper appearances also put him in situations that are in direct conflict with his personal happiness and may jeopardize relationships he has made.

Fears: At the moment, William's greatest fear is not being competent enough to handle the family business. It's been in the family for generations that the Farleys are best known for it. Failing to run it well would be a source of embarassment and highly detrimental to the Farley name.

History: William was born on 23 October 1989 to two purebloods, both with an old and long history to their family name. Lucian Farley comes from a family of Slytherins and Emilia Johnston's family are mostly known to be either Hufflepuffs or Ravenclaws. He is the oldest in a brood of two; his sister Anna anna_farley was born a year later. Both of them were exposed early to magic the moment they showed signs of being magical. His father had bewitched saucers to enlarge and flew him and Anna around, giving them their first feeling of flying. Will's real 'mentor' was his uncle Darius, who taught him how to fly properly using a broom. It was also Darius who would actively teach him bits and pieces of simple magic as he grew up, made him read various spellbooks and practicing them, and when he was old enough, taught him how to duel.

Will's father did have some hand in his pre-Hogwarts magical education, but the lessons coming from him was mostly related to running the family business. At a very young age, William was already being trained and taught about the business, making family duty firmly instilled in him. Nevertheless, Lucian and Emilia aren't the usual pureblood parents who are cold and distant with their children. Will has had a fairly good childhood -- he was given proper attention and care.

Physical Description: At the least, provide base details of build, height, eye/hair colour, and complexion.
William stands at 6'1" with dark brown hair and green eyes. He is of medium build, with a good amount of muscles here and there because of his slight athleticism, but nothing that would make look bulky. Will has no visible scars or birthmarks that would create a lasting impression on first meeting.

Significant Relationships:
Family: William has a good relationship with his family. He isn't incredibly close to his parents, but he doesn't despise them either. With his uncle Darius, he is both open (more open at least when compared to his father) and cautious because he feels there is some underlying thing with him, he just can't pinpoint what it is. He isn't best buddies with his sister Anna nor is he overprotective of her, but she's one of the few people he'd help even without being asked to.
Friends: William's oldest and closest friend is Bri Richards bookwormbri, who he has been friends with way back in his childhood. He is probably even more comfortable sharing things with her than with anyone else, including his sister. Gavin Villafort gavin_villafort, whom he had met in the Hogwarts Express in their first year at Hogwarts, is the male version of Bri in terms of being his BFF. Because really, there are just some things you can only share with a guy...:D

Special Considerations: Such as broom ownership, being an animagus, famous in some form, or a metamorphmagus. All are subject to mod approval.
William owns a Cleansweep 11, which he uses often whenever the weather permits. Even when he wasn't part of the quidditch team (yet), Will likes to fly around the field and feeling of freedom and freshness that the wind brings.

Year: Fifth
House: Hufflepuff
Why are they in that house? William may seem lazy and dispassionate to be your typical Puff, but he makes it up with his drive to work hard and succeed in those he has an interest in. And while he has immense amounts of loyalty, his being just and impartial is greater.
Position: (Subject to mod approval) Chaser for Hufflepuff

Will pursed his lips slightly, looking at Bri intently as he thought of a gesture appropriate for the moment. A hug? In the hallways? Preposterous idea.

"Nice to see you back." He said, settling for a half smile. "Don't you have any presents for me from wherever you came from?" Will teased, his smile turning full on. He really was glad to see her again. Just...no hugging in the hallways.

status: approved, gender: male, location: england, player: gemma, location: england: kent, comm: hogwarts, house: hufflepuff, blood: pureblood, year: 6, age: students

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