Name (or alias): Raina "The Sphinx" Sugarpants
expedishousAIM SN: Optional: therainenator
BASE CHARACTER PROFILE -- PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE SHOULD ONLY BE ONE WORD ANSWERS (Except for the last one... and use your common sense for others too.)
Name: Lucas Oliver Longshore
cassanovalukePlayed By: Ian Somerhalder
Birthdate: June 21st, 1989
Age: 16
Gender: male
Wand: Oak, 11", dragon heartstring core
Blood: Halfblood
Birthplace: Bromley, UK
Location: Bromley, UK
Status or Class: upper middle class
Race/Culture/Religion: Caucasian/British/...
Guardian #1's Name/Age/Occupation: Stephen Longshore/42/Muggle lawyer
Guardian #2's Name/Age/Occupation: Alexandra Longshore/42/Healer at St. Mungo's
Siblings' Names/Age/Occupations:
Pet Name/Species: HAHAHA. (Lucas hates animals)
OWL Scores:
Astronomy: A
Charms: E
Herbology: P
History of Magic: P
Potions: E
Transfiguration: E
Other Subject #1: Divination: E
Other Subject #2: Care of Magical Creatures: T
Optional Other Subject:
NEWT Scores: (Put N/a if it is not applicable): N/A
10 Words to describe your character: jealous, angry, delusional, arrogant, amoral, narrow-minded, lazy, violent, possessive, paranoid
Personality: A person's first impression of Lucas may be that he is an arrogant asshole of a boy, with no redeemable qualities to speak. They would be right, actually. Lucas is exactly what who he seems to be, and contrary to popular belief, there is no scared little boy with feelings just clawing to get out. However, Lucas tries not to be as insane as he really is when he first meets someone. In fact, if you happen to be a marginally attractive female (Lucas will often claim that he has standards, but really he has none to speak of save that they be above the age of thirteen), Lucas will be charming, flirtatious, and even nice. However, that charade quickly drops if the girl doesn't approve of Lucas' advances, or once he has satisfied his desires. He'll scope out a girl just for the sake of being able to use her, and he doesn't often give himself over to true emotions.
But when he does...things get pretty crazy. Lucas does many very stupid things when he lets emotion overtake him, and usually this emotion is anger. He'll smash someone's head into a wall without even one thought towards the consequences, and even when he does think about them he doesn't quite care that much. No matter how many times others seek vengeance against him, he'll never ever take the hint and he'll do exactly what he did before...maybe even worse this time. Lucas never learns a lesson and he is totally, completely averse to change--especially changes within himself. This is probably why he went so off the deep end once everyone figured out his Deep, Dark Secret. He just couldn't handle that sort of change in his relationships with everyone.
Lucas is also terribly paranoid and insecure in his relationships. All it takes is one wrong word and it will send him into a flurry of doubt and he won't stop thinking about it until he either beats someone up or finds some other way of getting out his anger (yes, being paranoid and insecure makes him so very angry.) He has a habit of downplaying things that should be cared about, and exaggerating all of the small things in life. He is a little insane, a little dangerous, entirely ridiculous, and most certainly delusional.
Not only is Lucas violent, paranoid, insecure, and crazy, he is also extremely arrogant. He truly does think that he's the king of the world, even though he is often told that absolutely no one else thinks that. Even his best mates treat him like crap, and yet he continues to work under the assumption that they're just jealous of his utter coolness. Even if he wanted to think poorly of himself he couldn't, because he is just that delusional about himself. This is why he has an excessive amount of jealous rage--he has absolutely no idea how a girl could even think about chatting up someone else when he is standing right there. It is preposterous!
Did I also mention that Lucas is particularly fond of denial?
Strengths: Both magical and personality: Lucas is actually really, really good at Transfiguration. Even though he is particularly fond of skipping classes, he doesn't actually want to fail out of them so when no one else is looking, he does his schoolwork (unless he totally doesn't care about the class at all, in which case he won't go AND he won't study.) As for personality...? Um. If one digs deep, very very very deep down, Lucas is quite capable of caring about someone a lot. He rarely ever does this, though, and even though his relationships with people are always intense, they sort of have that surface intensity to them. Back in the day, he was also quite the charmer and I'm sure that if he somehow went to a place where no one knew him and where he could start over, he could probably do a pretty good job for himself.
Weaknesses: Both magical and personality: Well. Lucas' habit of skipping classes have led him to become not the best of students, but his worst classes are definitely Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures. For one thing, he hates plants and doesn't see the point of them, and for another thing, he hates animals and doesn't see the point of them. Actually it would be best to just keep Lucas away from plants and animals altogether. He's also not exactly the quickest when it comes to dueling, so he prefers to fight with fists! Lucas is pretty much just an asshole. He's rarely nice to anyone and even if he is it's always grudgingly. He hates everyone (even his friends at times) and even if he does like someone at first, he'll inevitably end up hating them. Lucas makes it very difficult for anyone to be friends with him, so it's a wonder why he even has friends at all...because he most certainly wouldn't hesitate to stab them in the back if it meant that there was something shiny in it for him, which really makes him a terrible person. All of his redeemable qualities are hidden beneath layers and layers of rudeness, violence, and stupidity.
Fears: Lucas is pretty afraid of being alone, I guess. He's not afraid of being alone in the sense of not having a relationship, he just likes having people around so that he knows that he still exists. He likes the fact that everyone hates him because at least he's made an impact on someone, and he does the things he does in part because he's afraid of what will happen if he suddenly stops being crazy and sort of fades into the background of Hogwarts. He would not be able to stand it, I tell you. He's built up an intolerance to physical fighting, so he's also terribly afraid of threats. He'll brush them off like they're nothing, but he's way more inclined to stop doing something if he's being threatened rather than getting his ass kicked.
History: Lucas was born on a rainy day at the end of June, much to the happiness of his mother and the...not-quite-so-happiness of his father. Alexandra came from, a prestigious Pureblood family that removed her from the tapestry the very second she announced her marriage to a Muggle lawyer, of all people. They were shocked and appalled that their daughter, who seemed a bit rebellious and a bit too fun-loving in her school days, would do something so completely out of the question. Stephen's parents were highly amused that he decided to marry this somewhat free-spirited, estranged daughter of a somewhat wealthy family on a whim.
It had been decided early on that they would not have children, but Alexandra being the Gryffindor that she was, laughed in the face of this decision and had a child anyway. Stephen then decided that if he was going to have to have a son, it wouldn't be some poncy, girlish little boy who had a mother who doted on him and gave him whatever he wanted. No, Lucas would be a man of honour and prestige--he would be not only be intelligent and suave, he would also be handsome and have all the social graces anyone could hope for. Needless to say, Lucas didn't quite turn out as planned.
He did horribly in school because quite frankly, he was more interested in sabotaging his classmates' schoolwork to pay attention to his own. Stephen always gave Lucas the cold shoulder, and the two have never gotten along. It isn't that he was abusive, per se, he just largely ignored Lucas' presence for most of his life. His mother, however, had always wanted a son, so she showered him with love and affection. Love and affection were two things that young Lucas wasn't exactly so keen on, so he pushed his mother away and soon found that he only wanted her presents. This probably isn't true, but that is how he likes to recount the tale of his young life. Actually he very much liked his mother, and it was only when he got to Hogwarts that he began to push her away.
From a very young age, Lucas visited his grandparents on his mother's side of the family. They were intent on their daughter seeing the sort of life that Lucas would have had had Alexandra married into a proper Pureblood family. They teased him with their wealth and power within society, and Lucas began to get the idea that Muggles were absolutely horrible for stealing him away from such a life of luxury and prestige. In fact, he was quite embarrassed that he had to live with one and call one his father, and he desperately tried to figure out a way in which he could be rid of such embarrassment.
The answer came in the form of his Hogwarts letter. Alexandra told Stephen that Lucas was being sent away to an elite boarding school (which was hard for him to believe, considering Lucas' current marks at school), but he just assumed that he was going because of some generous donation to the place by Alexandra's parents. The minute he learned he was a wizard, Lucas decided that this would be the perfect time for some changes to be instituted in his life.
For the first six years of his time at Hogwarts, Lucas pretended to be of a small, little-known Pureblood family. It worked out fabulously. The best girls loved him, the best guys wanted to be his friend, and he naturally assumed that he was set for life simply because he could throw the word 'Mudblood' around without feeling the least bit bad about it. Life was truly great for Lucas Longshore. And then one day his secret was found out, and he went from being charming and popular (if an arrogant bastard), to being hated and cast out of circles he was once included in. Now that Lucas no longer has to keep up appearances, so to speak, he feels that he can do whatever the hell he pleases, which accounts for his recent...erratic behaviours.
Physical Description: At the least, provide base details of build, height, eye/hair colour, and complexion. Lucas is 5'10", with brown hair and bright blue eyes. He considers those eyes his saving grace in times of trouble, because once upon a time they used to melt the hearts of ladies school-wide. Also, that smile? Amazing! Quite unfortunate that the boy rarely smiles. Anyway, he has a somewhat atheletic build (getting into all those fights has to have some merit, after all), even though he doesn't really enjoy sports. Unless they happen to be bedroom sports.
Significant Relationships:
Family: Optional: Lucas doesn't really get along with either of his parents, though he likes his mother more than he likes his father. He tries his best to avoid his father, and he really enjoys all of the crap that his mother buys for him. Sometimes he think he'd like to have a better relationship with his parents but he gets over that sappiness in about to seconds, because thinking things like that always makes Lucas want to stab himself in the face. Repeatedly.
Friends: Optional: The amount of friends that Lucas has can be counted on one hand. They go by the names of Tobias Kinsella, Colin Mayfield, and Alex Departie. Lucas would consider Tobias to be his best friend out of the three. They met in Lucas' second year when Lucas decided that he wanted some sort of protégé, and Tobias was his first choice. However, the relationship has grown out of being just a hero-worship deal into being a true friendship. Lucas met Colin and Alex in his first year when he decided that he was cool enough to hang out with the older kids. Colin gets on Lucas' nerves a lot by ignoring him, and Lucas really, really fanboys Alex.
Other: Optional: Unlike his friends, Lucas' enemies can be counted on his fingers, toes, and eyelashes. But his number one enemy is Darin DeLouise, whom he hates with a passion because he stole his woman and stole his...dignity. Or something like that. Anyway, Lucas really would kill Darin. If only doing so wouldn't have at least ten other people out for his blood. He also hates Hannah Salix, but that's more of a hove...because he would totally do her the first chance he got, hands down.
Special Considerations: Such as broom ownership, being an animagus, famous in some form, or a metamorphmagus. All are subject to mod approval.
Year: 6th
House: Slytherin
Why are they in that house? I...don't actually know why he's in Slytherin. He did pull the wool over everyone's eyes for the first six years of his time at Hogwarts, and he does have a certain way of at least trying to manipulate people into doing things...especially if they're an innocent, naive female or a young child. He does have goals but they're more of the flirting-and-skipping-classes variety, and he is most definitely living up to his ambition of being the Biggest Asshole Hogwarts Has Ever Seen. If those things make him a Slytherin, then that is precisely why he is there! Plus, you can bet Lucas nearly got down on his hands and knees and begged the Hat to not put him into Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, or Ravenclaw.
Postion: (Subject to mod approval) Prefect
Sundays. Sundays were quite possibly the most boring, pointless days of the entire week, and Lucas would make sure that everyone in the vicinity would know that before the day was over. He had started near the kitchens, quite rudely shoving aside various first years and even managing to hex one of the house elves before sneaking away, a strange sort of smile on his face. He'd tried flirting with a girl he found in the hallways only to find out that she was a third year--which was entirely too young, even for a bloke that had almost no standards, such as himself.
Now, unfortunately, he was back to sitting in the common room, pathetically alone. Where were his mates when he needed them? Probably out having loads of fun and leaving him to sulk. Not that Lucas had any problems with sulking, it was just a lot more fun to sulk when one was with friends than when one was alone. Frustration rising within him, he punched a pillow and stood up from the couch, determined to find someone to harass. That would certainly make him feel better!