The Slow And Subtle Seduction Of Merlin Emrys By Arthur Pendragon
November 29 2008, 00:43:25 UTC
Step One
Arthur clears his throat, and carefully puts on his low, slightly growly voice. "Merlin," he says, "I have a very important task for you."
"Anything you desire," says Merlin, with only a hint of sarcasm.
"That's what I like to hear." Arthur chuckles as darkly as he can manage, and waits, briefly, for Merlin to look confused or affronted or embarrassed.
"Well, go on," says Merlin, brightly.
Fine, maybe he's slow on the uptake, but Arthur continues undeterred. "I need you to polish my sword," he intones, letting his tongue linger lovingly on each syllable.
"Oh," says Merlin. "The big one?"
Oh, thank god, he's getting there. "The big one," affirms Arthur, and licks his lips for good measure.
"Righto," says Merlin, nods his head in a rather feeble imitation of a bow, and heads for the door.
"No - no, Merlin, you're not following me. I need this now."
"And I'm going, aren't I! See you later."
"You don't understand," Arthur tries, a little desperately. "I need you to polish my big swordMerlin waves cheerily as he closes
( ... )
Re: The Slow And Subtle Seduction Of Merlin Emrys By Arthur PendragonnyseidesNovember 29 2008, 12:34:31 UTC
I've never participated in a kink meme before so I don't know all the rules, but is there any rule against crossposting the fulfillments to your own journal/various communities? Because I think the whole fandom deserves to see this one. ;) <3
Arthur clears his throat, and carefully puts on his low, slightly growly voice. "Merlin," he says, "I have a very important task for you."
"Anything you desire," says Merlin, with only a hint of sarcasm.
"That's what I like to hear." Arthur chuckles as darkly as he can manage, and waits, briefly, for Merlin to look confused or affronted or embarrassed.
"Well, go on," says Merlin, brightly.
Fine, maybe he's slow on the uptake, but Arthur continues undeterred. "I need you to polish my sword," he intones, letting his tongue linger lovingly on each syllable.
"Oh," says Merlin. "The big one?"
Oh, thank god, he's getting there. "The big one," affirms Arthur, and licks his lips for good measure.
"Righto," says Merlin, nods his head in a rather feeble imitation of a bow, and heads for the door.
"No - no, Merlin, you're not following me. I need this now."
"And I'm going, aren't I! See you later."
"You don't understand," Arthur tries, a little desperately. "I need you to polish my big swordMerlin waves cheerily as he closes ( ... )
For once, there's something that Merlin is dim about. XD
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