
Aug 02, 2006 20:02


First - guess my favourite/least favourite character [and bonus for my OTP] ( in following (I've kind of done it before, but who cares?): )

real life, meme

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Comments 17

ajat August 2 2006, 19:05:35 UTC
Where's fic ? Where's fic ?!!!

In PTerry ...... Rincewind = yer fav char., Reacher Gilt = least fav., OTP = Carrot/Angua ...


Totally wrong, isn't it ?


novin_ha August 2 2006, 20:18:18 UTC
Rinewind is indeed my fav character, but you're wrong on the other two. :D


ajat August 22 2006, 19:21:55 UTC
What's the other 2, then ?


novin_ha August 22 2006, 20:48:42 UTC
I really can't stand Carrot and my OTP is canon - Ridcully/Granny Weatherwax :)


pellamerethiel August 2 2006, 20:47:06 UTC
1. Fav: Uhm, Hermiona? Not fav: No idea. Ron? XD I know Your second otp, so won't speak. :P
2. Fav: Ogar! Not fav: Uhm... Catelyn? OTP Sansa/Ogar?
3. Fav: Boone? Not fav: No idea. Michael? XD OTP Shoone


novin_ha August 2 2006, 21:15:34 UTC
The only one you got is Hermione (because she's just as liked by me as, as said by akzseinga, Snape) and my Lost OTP :D


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novin_ha August 2 2006, 21:22:34 UTC
1 Harry Potter - you're correct. I really dislike Sirius, I adore Snape but now, Sirius/Remus is not my sort of gay porn, thanks. There's a better kind.

3. Shannon all the way :]

6 How did you know?! Now you just need to guess my OTP. It's canon, kind of...

10. Nope. Aragorn yes, Sauron nope. (although Aragorn is my favourite good character and there are two baddies I'm just as fond of)

And my OTP for LotR is really pervy XD


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novin_ha August 2 2006, 22:37:33 UTC
1) Nah. Freckles but not these freckles, and not Harry.
6) Not Conena but... it's a nice ship! No, mine makes an appearance in Lords and Ladies.
10) NO! That's disgusting, that is. Eowyn is not my least favourite character, by the way. Think again ;)


le_mru August 2 2006, 21:03:28 UTC
I'm sorry honey, but I'm too tired to participate in the meme. I feel as if my brain had been roasted and sliced to feed the poor hungry Losties (had written 2,5 pages of slash!!11!!!!)


novin_ha August 2 2006, 21:18:11 UTC
You think promise of slash later is enough to bribe me? You're so right...

It's not like I'm closing it any time soon :p Come back once you're alive.

And don't you Honey me ;p Or it's no massages and no dinner, not ever!


le_mru August 2 2006, 21:58:16 UTC
Hahahahahah knew it.

Hey, don't you blackmail me now that you know what my main weaknesses are!

Our relationship is on the rocks...


novin_ha August 2 2006, 22:20:32 UTC
Sorry! Sorry! I never meant it, you know it. My life's purpose is solely focused on cooking for you, massaging you and, possibly, having your babies. Totally. Srsly.

::shows soft, weak underbelly::


dark_vanessa August 3 2006, 07:16:54 UTC
The most have been already guessed, right?

1. Harry Potter : + Percy; - Sirus (but you've admitted, no?)
2. SoF&I: + Ogar or Tyrion; - Joffrey or Jaime
3. Lost : + Shannon; - Eko
4. CSI : haven't seen an episode
5. Veronica Mars: + Logan/Veewil (noe, that's a pairing ;); - Kendall
6. Terry Pratchett : don't 'do' Pratchett
7. Grey's Anatomy : + Cristina or Burke; - Derek
8. Ender's Game : actually, I remember only Ender himself and... Novinha. I pass.
9. Allo, Allo : + Herr Flick; - Mimi
10. Lord of the Rings: +Aragorn; -Arwen


novin_ha August 3 2006, 10:16:08 UTC
1. Percy is one of the three favourite characters I have indeed, and Sirius is the one I can't stand, most of the time :)
2. Nah. Tyrion is cool but he's not my favourite. And Joffrey is awful :)
3. Yep yep :)
5. Logan/Weevil is such an OTP XD. Kendall is not my least favourite character, though.
7. Cristina and Derek it is :)


novin_ha August 3 2006, 10:17:37 UTC

8. Everything in the family ;)
9. How did you know?! :D
10. Yeah. No one wants my OTP? ::sniff::


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