
Aug 02, 2006 20:02


First - guess my favourite/least favourite character [and bonus for my OTP] ( in following (I've kind of done it before, but who cares?): )

real life, meme

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le_mru August 2 2006, 21:03:28 UTC
I'm sorry honey, but I'm too tired to participate in the meme. I feel as if my brain had been roasted and sliced to feed the poor hungry Losties (had written 2,5 pages of slash!!11!!!!)


novin_ha August 2 2006, 21:18:11 UTC
You think promise of slash later is enough to bribe me? You're so right...

It's not like I'm closing it any time soon :p Come back once you're alive.

And don't you Honey me ;p Or it's no massages and no dinner, not ever!


le_mru August 2 2006, 21:58:16 UTC
Hahahahahah knew it.

Hey, don't you blackmail me now that you know what my main weaknesses are!

Our relationship is on the rocks...


novin_ha August 2 2006, 22:20:32 UTC
Sorry! Sorry! I never meant it, you know it. My life's purpose is solely focused on cooking for you, massaging you and, possibly, having your babies. Totally. Srsly.

::shows soft, weak underbelly::


le_mru August 2 2006, 23:06:49 UTC
Now, bring me a sandwich, woman!

*strokes with a satisfied expression*


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