Master Post: Fortune and Men's Eyes

Mar 26, 2011 10:51

Title: Fortune and Men's Eyes
Fandom: The Social Network
Rating/Pairing: Mark/Eduardo, NC-17
Word Count: ...currently 53K. Stay tuned.
Summary: A Royalty AU! or, basically, this. :D

AN: Tragically, the first part of the TSN Kinkmeme has reached comment capacity. My WIP thread is less a thread and more a tangled snarl of comments, so hopefully posting everything here will make things a bit easier on readers! A caveat: I have mucked with the timeline so that events take place earlier in the semester.

As always, heaps of thanks as always to my cheerleaders, attempt_unique, laliandra, toucanpie, and swiiftly, and a giant internet bearhug to brimtoast, the best beta to ever beta. And, of course, lots of love to the OP for the most inspiring and fun prompt ever.

And so much love to all the commenters over at the kinkmeme. You guys have no idea how much you made me glee and smile. &TSNfandom;

(Also, a fun bonus for those who enjoy both Shakespeare and Rufus Wainwright: Sonnet 29)


Part One  |  Part Two  |  Part Three  | Overflow at the Kinkmeme :D

prince wardo!, true love forever, the social network, wips are my kryptonite, madness

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