unhappy day

Mar 25, 2011 16:47

Hi, flist. As some of you may have seen over at 2damnoldforthis, I'm selling my MCR concert tickets for the Atlanta and Orlando venues in May. One, because I am hella broke and need the money. Two, because it is going to be a HUGE weekend at the museum, and I'm the head docent and really need to be there. Also, see previous point about the money, especially given the expense of the upcoming MJ trip, which is going to be AWESOME, but also will make things pretty tight for a while. Giving up more work hours to see a show... not the best choice. Look how mature I am. :|

Anyway, if any of you want the tickets, I'm selling them for $40 dollars each, preferably on Paypal. They're both General Admission, and the Tabernacle one comes with parking!

Both sold! \o/
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