FIC: Untitled Blindfold Fill #2

Jan 25, 2011 00:02

Title: Untitled Blindfold Fill #2
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1814
Summary/Notes: For this blindfold_spn prompt: Jared loves sex, can’t get enough of it. He’s pretty much constantly whining for orgasms. Jensen can’t keep up with him and usually he just jerks Jared off if he’s not in the mood but, sometimes, he lets Jared fuck his unresisting body.

They're sitting on the couch, watching some movie that's supposed to be a comedy but is not really all that funny. Jared is bored, mostly, but also a little bit horny. Next to him, Jensen seems just as bored, so Jared doesn't think he'll mind when Jared slides closer to him, pressing himself up against Jensen's side. He presses his face against Jensen's shoulder and kisses his neck as he reaches over and grabs Jensen's hand, pulling it into his lap and pressing it against his half hard cock.

"Are you serious?" Jensen asks, looking at Jared with a raised eyebrow. "We've had sex twice today already. And I heard you jerking off in the bathroom like an hour ago."

"That was almost two hours ago," Jared argues, pressing Jensen's hand more firmly against his cock. He hardens further as Jensen massages him a little through his jeans.

Jensen sighs, but Jared knows he's feigning exasperation. Jensen is used to Jared's almost constant horniness by now. When they first got together, Jared tried to hide it. It wasn't like Jensen didn't like sex. He and Jared had sex at least once a day, sometimes more, and as far as Jared could tell, Jensen loved it. But Jared, he wanted sex all the time. And he didn't want Jensen to think he was some kind of sex addict or that he was using Jensen for sex or something.

So Jared was always sneaking off into the bathroom to jerk off when he just couldn't take it anymore. He tried to be discreet about it, and he thought he was pretty successful. But it turned out Jared wasn't as good at being stealthy as he thought. Apparently, Jensen could hear him in there, trying to bite back his moans and rustling around as he jacked himself. And it didn't really help that he tended to come out sweaty and flushed, looking just a little bit rumpled.

When Jensen finally confronted Jared about it, Jared was embarrassed. But Jensen was upset, asking if Jared was unsatisfied with their sex life, thinking he was doing something wrong. So Jared sucked it up and, blushing furiously, haltingly explained that it wasn't Jensen; sex with Jensen was great. The best thing ever. Jared just had a ridiculously high sex drive, and it seemed like he could never get enough.

Jared had been so embarrassed that he could barely look at Jensen, but Jensen had just seemed relieved, and he told Jared he didn't have to keep sneaking off like that. Now, most of the time, when Jared gets horny and Jensen isn't in the mood, instead of Jared sneaking off to jerk off, Jensen does it for him.

So now, with Jared pressed up against him, Jensen just turns his body slightly toward Jared for better access, unzips Jared's jeans, and pulls his cock out. He wraps his hand around Jared's hard cock loosely and runs his thumb over the head, sweeping through the dot of precome at the tip and spreading the little bit of slickness around. Jared hums and relaxes deeper into the couch, letting his head drop back against the cushion.

Jensen keeps his hand still around Jared, just rubbing his thumb around the tip. Jared tries to be patient, but Jensen's tracing circles on the head of his cock and refusing to actually get a good grip on his shaft and it's driving him crazy. He tries to stay still, but soon Jared's hips start twitching with the need to thrust against Jensen's hand and he lets out a small, frustrated noise. Jensen finally relents; he slides his hand up, using the palm of his hand to massage the head of Jared's dick, getting his hand slicked up with Jared's precome. Jared lets out a groan when Jensen wraps his hand tightly around the shaft of his cock and slowly starts pumping.

Jensen keeps the pace slow at first, sliding his hand up and down Jared's cock easily. He brings his other hand over to cup Jared's balls in his palm, gently rolling them in his hand. Jared moans as Jensen starts stroking his cock faster, rolling his thumb over the head each time he reaches the tip.

Jared is breathing harshly now and he's thrusting up into Jensen's hand. Jensen keeps stroking steadily, and Jared is getting close. The next time Jensen reaches the head of Jared's cock, he presses his thumb down harder, swirling it around and then digging in slightly right at the slit. Pleasure jolts through Jared's body and he gasps and freezes up; come pulses out of his dick, some of it shooting up to streak Jared's shirt and the rest dribbling down on onto Jensen's hand. Jensen squeezes his dick a few more times, coaxing more come out of Jared.

When the sensation gets to be too much on his sensitive cock, Jared pushes at Jensen's wrist, and Jensen pulls his hands back and grabs some tissue off of the end table, cleaning the come off of himself. Jared takes a few moments to catch his breath then reaches over and places a hand on Jensen's thigh.

"Do you want me to…?" Jared nods his head towards Jensen's crotch.

"Later," Jensen answers, shaking his head. Jared nods; they both know there's no way Jared's done with sex for the day.

They stay up too late watching movies, and by the time they get to bed Jared has come twice more and Jensen once, afterwards declaring that there was no way he'd be getting it up again for the rest of the day.

Jared curls himself around Jensen's back, tugging him in close, and he's not surprised when he finds himself aroused within minutes, his hard cock digging into Jensen's ass. Jared presses even closer to Jensen and slides one hand over Jensen's hip, slipping his hand down the front of Jensen's boxers.

Jensen grabs Jared's wrist before he reaches his cock. "No way, Jared." Jensen sounds tired and a little amused. Jared groans in disappointment and can't help giving a few small thrusts against Jensen's ass. He feels kind of guilty though; Jensen did tell him that he wanted to help Jared out whenever he needed it, but Jensen's already made him come four times today. It won't hurt Jared to help himself out a little.

Jared pulls back from Jensen, and he's about to get up and go get himself off, but Jensen reaches back, grabs onto Jared's arm, and pulls him closer so that Jared's chest is once again pressed to Jensen's back. Jared expects Jensen to offer to give him a hand job, so when Jensen hasn't moved after several moments, Jared's forehead wrinkles in confusion.


"C'mon," Jensen says, shifting up a little and pushing his boxers down his thighs before pressing back, his bare ass rubbing against Jared's clothed dick.

When Jared realizes what Jensen is offering, he hurriedly shoves his own boxers down and off before sitting up and digging in his nightstand for the lube. He scoots down so he's sitting closer to Jensen's legs, and then pushes Jensen's top leg up, bending it at the knee.

Jared slicks his hand up then presses two fingers into Jensen, adding a third when the first two slide in so easily. Jensen's muscles ripple around his fingers reflexively, but other than that Jensen doesn't move at all. Jared thrusts his fingers in and out of Jensen, partly to spread the lube around inside him, but mostly just to watch the way the rim of his hole pulls when Jared's fingers slide out, the way it stretches around his knuckles when he slides back in.

Jared could sit and watch his fingers slide in and out of Jensen all night if it wasn't for the way his cock is throbbing, desperate to fuck into Jensen. He pulls his fingers free from Jensen's body and fists his own cock, spreading the rest of the lube onto it. He lies back down behind Jensen and slides one arm under him to wrap around his waist, tugging Jensen snugly back against himself. He uses his free hand to grip himself, lining the head of his dick up with Jensen's hole before sliding in.

Jared pushes into Jensen slowly, not stopping until he's buried in as deep as he can get. He knows he isn't going to last long; he never does when it's like this, when Jensen is lying there, unmoving. It's like Jensen is only there for Jared to use, to fuck, to fill with his come. It makes Jared's insides clench up to think about; his breath leaves him in short, shaky huffs.

Jared grips Jensen's thigh and presses his leg up higher then rolls forward slightly to make it easier to thrust. He quickly finds a rhythm; he's moving pretty slow, and he's not pulling back very far, trying not to disturb Jensen too much. Jensen shifts a little, only moving his arm out from under the pillow his head is resting on. But that's it, other than that Jensen is still, completely loose and relaxed under Jared, making almost no noise except for a few small grunts every now and then.

Jared fucks into Jensen harder, rougher, pressing Jensen forward even more so that he's mostly on top of him now, balancing on the arm he still has wrapped around Jensen's waist. He pushes the thigh he's gripping out a little further, trying to get deeper into Jensen.

Jared can feel his orgasm approaching quickly and he speeds his thrusting even faster. He fucks Jensen so hard that he's sure Jensen's head would be slamming against the headboard if it wasn't for the arm he has wrapped around his waist, holding him steadily in place under Jared.

When he comes, his orgasm hits him hard, and he collapses onto Jensen, pressing him down with all of his weight. Jared shivers, shoving his cock in deep as his come pulses into Jensen. He gives a few more shallow, lazy thrusts before stilling. He stays pressed against Jensen's back, panting into his neck for a moment, and then Jensen is shaking him off, grumbling that Jared is too fucking heavy.

Jared pulls out of Jensen and collapses onto the bed next to him, taking a few moments to catch his breath before turning to look at Jensen. Jensen has rolled fully onto his stomach, his face turned toward Jared.

"Okay?" Jared asks him.

Jensen nods and makes an affirmative noise. He leans forward, pressing his mouth against Jared's and Jared kisses him back, opening his mouth to Jensen's tongue. Jensen keeps the kiss light, pulling back after only a moment. "Think you can sleep now?"

"Yeah," Jared says. He tugs Jensen closer, fitting their bodies together. He should be able to make it until morning, at least.


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