FIC: Untitled Blindfold Fill #1

Jan 25, 2011 00:01

Title: Untitled Blindfold Fill #1
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1657
Summary/Notes: For this blindfold_spn prompt: Sam is on the receiving end of a curse (original, right?)that makes him almost animalistic in his horniness. That isn't to say non-con, but he certainly becomes more aggressive, demanding, and dominant. Maybe he also picks up some other animal characteristics as well, and the curse makes him almost wolf-like, except still cognizant of what he's doing.

Sam manages to keep his hands to himself in the car. Mostly. He slips up a few times, sliding across the seat to press against Dean's side. Burying his face into Dean's neck and sniffing at him; running his hand up Dean's thigh to palm at his cock. Licking Dean's face. Dean shoves him away each time, and Sam just grows more desperate, his frustrated growls filling the air.

It just figures that Sam would go and get himself cursed to act like a fucking wolf for a day. Dean knows he should stop being surprised when shit like this happens.

As soon as they reach the motel, Sam is on Dean. He presses Dean into the door, blanketing himself against Dean's back as Dean fumbles with the key. Sam's hands clutch at Dean's hips roughly; he tugs Dean back, up tight against him as he rolls his hips, and Dean can feel Sam's hard cock digging into his back. Sam is almost panting, hot gusts of air hitting the back of Dean's neck as Sam nuzzles against him. Dean curses when Sam licks at him again.

Dean finally fits the key into the lock and stumbles into the room, nearly falling under the weight of Sam at his back. He takes a few awkward steps, Sam glued to his back, and then he hears Sam kick the door closed behind them. Dean starts to turn around, but before he can, Sam unceremoniously pushes him face first onto the bed. Before Dean can move, Sam follows him down, using all of his weight to press Dean into the mattress.

"Sam," Dean grunts, struggling under the weight and trying to move into a more comfortable position.

Sam doesn't budge, merely hums in response and buries his face into Dean's neck again. Dean can feel Sam sniffing just behind his ear and it makes him shiver.

"You smell so fucking good," Sam says, his voice raspy. He nips at Dean's neck and Dean automatically tilts his head, arching his neck to allow Sam more room. Sam continues down Dean's neck, biting, licking, and sucking at any skin he can reach.

Sam pulls up off of Dean, and Dean starts to roll over, yelping in surprise when Sam gets impatient and flips him over onto his back. Dean stares for a moment as Sam starts pulling his clothes off and dropping them to the floor.

"C'mon," Sam huffs impatiently as he kicks off his shoes and shoves his jeans and boxers to the floor. As Dean struggles out of his shirts, Sam kneels down between Dean's legs and reaches for his belt. Sam swiftly undoes Dean's belt and jeans, shoving them down his legs, only pausing long enough to tug Dean's boots off when they get in the way.

When he's finished stripping Dean, Sam leans forward, presses his face into Dean's groin, and breathes in deeply. Sam lets his breath out with a moan and nuzzles into Dean, right at the base of his cock. His hot breath gusts against Dean's skin, and Dean holds himself still, fighting to keep himself under control and not just grind his hard cock against Sam's face.

Dean fists the bed sheets as Sam sucks and bites at the skin near the base of Dean's dick. Dean's cock is aching for attention, and Sam's mouth is so close.

But Sam ignores it, instead working his way up Dean's stomach and chest, biting and licking the whole way. Dean clenches one hand in Sam's hair, just hanging on as Sam works his mouth, making the muscles in Dean's stomach tense and jump. Dean's breathing grows ragged as Sam continues, moving farther up onto Dean. Sam's stomach brushes against Dean's cock and he can't help but thrust up, grinding against Sam and biting at his own lip to hold back a whimper.

Sam finally reaches Dean's face and he licks against Dean's lip until he opens his mouth, letting Sam's tongue shove in. Sam kisses him roughly, biting at Dean's lip and thrusting his tongue against Dean's hard, their teeth clashing together. Dean makes an attempt at kissing back, tries to move his own mouth against Sam's, but it's mostly pointless. Dean gives up, allowing Sam to bite at him until he tastes blood.

Sam's skin is hot against Dean and they're both damp with sweat. Dean is still thrusting his hips, grinding his cock against Sam's as much as he can with the way Sam's body is pressing him down.

Suddenly, Sam pulls his mouth away from Dean. He pants, still close enough for Dean to feel his breath against his face. "I need to fuck you. Right now."

Dean nods, completely agreeing, and lets his hand fall away from Sam's hair. Sam leans back, up off of Dean, and Dean groans at the loss. Sam reaches out to the night stand where they'd left the lube; he pours some into his hand and reaches down, fisting his cock and giving it a few tugs. Then he leans forward, resting on his knees on the bed, and presses two fingers into Dean. Dean grunts as Sam thrusts his fingers in as deep as he can, twisting them around before thrusting in and out a few times, just enough to get Dean slick. Sam pulls his fingers free and wipes his hand on the sheet.

Dean starts to slide back to give Sam more room, but Sam just wraps his hands under Dean's thighs and shoves Dean up farther onto the bed. Sam moves up after Dean, pushes Dean's legs farther apart and settles himself in between them. Sam hovers over Dean, holding himself up on one elbow as his other hand disappears down between them. Dean feels the head of Sam's cock pressing against his hole for a second, and then Sam is sliding in.

Dean loses his breath for a moment when Sam fucks into him, completely filling him up in one thrust. Dean only has a moment to adjust to the feeling before Sam moves, pulling almost all the way out before thrusting back in roughly.

Dean pants and clutches at Sam as he starts fucking him in earnest. Sam's thrusts are deep, and he's moving fast, jostling Dean on the bed. Sam slides both of his hands up, gripping Dean's shoulders; Sam's fingernails dig into Dean's skin as he holds him still.

The noises Sam's making are feral, grunts and growls filling the air. Dean doesn't think Sam could manage to form words right now if he tried, and he's not doing much better. Sam's cock is brushing against Dean's prostate sporadically, sending heat coursing through his body, and Dean feels like he's going to explode if he doesn't get a hand on his cock.

Dean moves his hand, trying to slide it down to his dick, but Sam moves faster, jerking one hand away from Dean's shoulder and wrapping it around Dean's wrist. He slams Dean's hand down onto the bed and pins it there. Dean nearly screams in frustration and tries to pull his hand free, but Sam just snarls at him and bites roughly at Dean's jaw.

Dean is basically writhing on Sam's cock now as he fucks into him frantically; he's moaning unashamedly, desperate to come. Then Sam moves; he angles himself down so that his stomach rubs against Dean's cock, and that is all it takes for Dean to lose it. He clenches up tight around Sam and comes hard, streaking both of their chests with hot pulses of come.

Sam growls and snaps his hips harder, pressing Dean firmly into the mattress as he continues to thrust. Sam fucks into Dean several more times before he shoves in deep and stiffens, coming with a howl.

Sam collapses against Dean, dropping his head against Dean's shoulder, his damp hair sticking to the side of Dean's face.

For several moments neither of them moves; they just breathe harshly, pressed together. When Dean has enough energy, he looks down at himself; he's covered in come, sweat, and bite marks that are already bruising. Dean shakes his head weakly at the thought of how sore he's going to be later. He wriggles the hand that Sam still has pinned, and Sam lets him go, but when he tries to shift from under Sam, Sam grunts in protest and holds him still.

Dean grumbles and squirms, then freezes when he realizes that Sam's cock is still hard inside him.

"Are you still hard?" Dean asks incredulously.

Sam nods his head against Dean's shoulder. "Must be the curse," he says, not sounding very concerned. He thrusts against Dean slightly, as if Dean needs any more evidence that Sam's cock is just as hard as it was before they started. Dean groans and drops his head back against the bed.

Sam shifts back up onto his elbows again, and Dean feels Sam shift inside him, his cock sliding easily through his own come.

"Fuck, Dean," Sam says. "So full of my come. Gonna be able to smell it on you for days." Dean feels himself flush red even as his cock twitches in interest at the words.

Sam looks down at Dean, his eyes roaming over Dean's torso, and lets out a growl that Dean feels more than he hears. "Yeah. Everyone's gonna know who you belong to."

"Hey, fuck you," Dean says, indignant. Just because Sam is cursed to think he's a wolf or some shit doesn't mean he owns Dean.

Sam ignores him and runs one hand up Dean's side, pressing his thumb into one of the more impressive bite marks near Dean's throat. Dean winces at the twinge of pain it causes, and Sam leans forward to soothe the mark with his tongue.

Dean closes his eyes as Sam licks at him and feels his cock trying to stiffen up again.

It's going to be a long twenty-four hours.


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