Seems that ebook readers are getting popular, the local library now has an Overdrive listing, I was supper surprised. And somehow, an ebook reading device discussion group that is based in Macau came up into my feed, so I joined them. From there, I saw all the posts about the Kobo Libra Colour, so I decided to try it out and got one
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Comments 8
I'm totally a Kindle person, I have to admit.
Interesting! Thanks for sharing.
I never really compared e-readers because for me it was more of should I bother getting one vs. not. However, the Kindle was an obvious choice because it's the most well-known and I knew people who used them and liked them. I'm happy with my Kindle. That said, one drawback I've found is that for some reason (like copyright laws or something), no German library will lend you an ebook to read on a Kindle. That's somewhat annoying.
The lend to kindle function is only available on US Amazon. I found out when I discovered I could use my Boss’ university account on Libby (2 years ago) but his university was based in UK. I later did more search and found out is only in the US. I’ve since gotten a card for a US library and it’s been amazing!
ohhh that explains it! I had no idea. I wonder why it's only possible in the U.S.
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