Seems that ebook readers are getting popular, the local library now has an Overdrive listing, I was supper surprised. And somehow, an ebook reading device discussion group that is based in Macau came up into my feed, so I joined them. From there, I saw all the posts about the Kobo Libra Colour, so I decided to try it out and got one.
Initial thoughts:
I can only use the usual Apple vs Android fight, those who use Apple hate Android and vice versa. This was similar. I love the Kindle platform. (Thus it means I hate the Kobo platform)
The Kobo device felt... flimsy, for lack of a better word. Like if I drop it a little harder it will come apart. No worries, as I'm a very careful person with electronic devices.
The Kobo device is more ergometric with that extra space on the right hand side, provides a better grip, and I didn't realize I would appreciate a physical button for page turning so much. Someone just posted a comparison of the Kobo Libra Color and the Kindle Oasis and now I see the Oasis has the same shape/set up as the Libra Color (with the extra space on the right hand side)
Setting up the Kobo account was a pain. For some reason, 2 emails went through but at the verification stage just refused to be verified. After half an hour fighting with it, I decided to use a 3rd email and voila, this one worked.
And then I thought I could get Libby into the Kobo just like on my phone, but no, it doesn't connect to Libby, it connects to Overdrive. Also. The Overdrive option wasn't showing up. After some time perusing the internet, I find out I need to set a billing address in a region that allows usage of Overdrive, which, to make a long story short, I simply made up some address in the USA to get it sorted. Got the Overdrive option, but then, I find out you can only login to 1 account at a time. On Libby, you can search the database for all the libraries you are in. So, it's another sad note.
Another thing that redeems the Kobo is the super easy way to transfer books there though. I got it hooked up to my Dropbox account and all I have to do is move ebooks into my Dropbox then they show up on the Kobo.