Ruling 3 (Action)

Jan 30, 2011 20:11

[When Eiki thought back on her conversations while in the city, she knew there one large thing she was lacking, and that was knowledge. She new very little about the town, and things she had always taken for granted before, were difficult now. She needed to learn more, and the place to do that was of course the library. This was where she would ( Read more... )

a day of education, library, running errands

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Comments 200

C t_isfortease January 31 2011, 05:15:13 UTC
[ William had arrived at the library around noon, having finally escaped from his atrocious wife. He's been perusing the shelves since, but it seems like most of the books he's looking for aren't there. The librarian claims they aren't checked out, so they have to be somewhere....

After browsing around a bit longer, he spots a particular title on a nearby table. It's one of many books, arranged in stacks around a young woman. From the looks of things, she has nearly all of the books William's been looking for.

He approaches quietly. ]

... Excuse me, Miss?


nothing_is_grey January 31 2011, 05:57:04 UTC
[She looks up from her reading, the current book being about how to care for your family. To her immediate right was a book that listed craft ideas for bored housewives. Sadly, the library could only give her so much, but, it was at least relevant to her issue of trying to fit into her role properly.]

May I help you?


t_isfortease January 31 2011, 06:01:09 UTC
[ He gestures to the expanse of reading material. ] It seems you're in possession of nearly all of the books I'd like to read.

[ A beat, then: ] Would you mind terribly if I joined you?


nothing_is_grey January 31 2011, 06:07:10 UTC
[She looks back to the books she had piled up, as if noticing for the first time just how many were there.]

I'm terribly sorry, I must have gotten carried away. Please do, I don't mind at all. I must have caused you great inconvenience.


B a_gentle_boy January 31 2011, 05:46:19 UTC
[As she is entering the library, someone is exiting . . . A boy wearing a backpack. It appears Lucas has returned some books early before school began.

He holds the door open for her and smiles as she walks by.]


nothing_is_grey January 31 2011, 05:58:18 UTC
[She nods with a smile.]

Thank you.


a_gentle_boy January 31 2011, 06:03:56 UTC
You're welcome.


. . . Um. I talked to you on the phone a day or two ago, didn't I, miss?


nothing_is_grey January 31 2011, 06:08:15 UTC
[It took her a moment, but she recalled it rather quickly.]

The boy who wanted to make a memorial, correct?


C kinpika January 31 2011, 06:13:30 UTC
[Gilgamesh grabs a book from the shelf and takes a seat at Eiki's table, not really caring. One that's on the Roman Empire. He's flipping through it quickly but stopping to read certain pages.]


nothing_is_grey January 31 2011, 07:48:48 UTC
[She takes a look at him, he really should have asked, it would have been the polite thing to do. Not that she would have said no, but it was the gesture that mattered. Not even any indication he saw she was here. She was about to say something, but decided against it. It was difficult to judge people as she was now, and, it wasn't like not being polite was a true crime.]


kinpika January 31 2011, 07:51:52 UTC
[He finally sets the book down, turns to Eiki and opens his mouth.]

You there. How much do you know about the Roman Empire?


nothing_is_grey January 31 2011, 08:08:03 UTC
[Not even an excuse me? Ah, but the voice was very familiar.]

A fair amount, why is it you ask?


C lunawolves10th January 31 2011, 23:43:27 UTC
[A large fellow moves through the library with purpose. He'll open a few books, read them, scowl, and move on. Eventually, his eyes will light on Eiki, and he'll cross to her table.]

"Excuse me, do you work here?"


nothing_is_grey January 31 2011, 23:50:31 UTC
[She looks up from the book in her hands slowly shaking her head.]

I'm sorry, I'm just a patron here. Was there something you were looking for?


lunawolves10th January 31 2011, 23:53:28 UTC
"History books. I'm trying to learn as much as I can about this period. We don't have many records from this time."


nothing_is_grey January 31 2011, 23:59:24 UTC
There isn't much on that, but there are some books that involve etiquette and the like. I have also run across some novels that also portray characters in this kind of reality.


C expiatrice February 1 2011, 06:41:28 UTC
[The library's books are all mysteriously tailored to fit the stereotype assigned to the visitor - or they have been, last time Ciel checked. So it's actually surprising to see that someone has so many books stashed on their table, and going through them so diligently to boot.

She'll keep her tone low. This is a library, after all.]

Hmm... Excuse me, miss?


nothing_is_grey February 1 2011, 06:48:30 UTC
[Lucky for Eiki she was in need of the kind of material the library offered her. She would have been at a loss if she had been looking for anything outside what a typical woman in this town was suppose to do.

She looks up when she hears the voice.]



expiatrice February 1 2011, 07:01:03 UTC
May I ask what you're looking for? The library usually doesn't have much helpful material to offer, so it's surprising to see someone so focused on what's available.


nothing_is_grey February 1 2011, 07:15:05 UTC
[It was a bit embarrassing, but there was no reason to hide it.]

I have been having issues trying to fill my role, so I thought it would be best to do some research on it.


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