(no subject)

Jun 02, 2007 16:38

Who: The Order
Where: The common room of the house in Canterbury
When: 2 June, 2001 - Afternoon
Status: Complete.

Hermione looked around at the group that was gathered. Two faces, two already knew of what she was about to say. The rest wore looks of confusion and suspicion. Constantly vigilant. That's what Moody had taught them. But were they prepared for this? Hermione didn't think so. She'd known what was written in the worn, folded letter clutched in her hands for ages now. And she still was trying to get over the shock of what it said.

Glancing at Ron briefly, Hermione turned her attention back toward the group. "I know that we're hurting right now. It's been over two weeks since we lost Alastor and Katie. I'm sorry." She took a breath. "I'm sorry that the world is like this, I'm sorry that all we ever do is fight and fight and get literally nowhere."

Her hands slowly moved, unfolding the letter.

"When Harry died, we lost a lot of our hope. And I wish I could say that I still believed in being able to fix the world without him, but I can't."

For the first time in a long time, Hermione's hands shook. Her nerves were rattled and she didn't know what anyone would say. She didn't think she could stay in the room after this was finished.

"All through seventh year we researched Horcruxes. It was in order to find a way to stop Voldemort and more than once Harry suggested it as a possibility to have a second chance in case everything went to shite." A dry, nervous chuckle escaped Hermione's throat. "I told him... I told him I would skin him alive if he ever tried it."

Everyone's expressions started to change as they put two and two together. Hermione could feel her voice start to waver and speed up in an effort to blurt it all out.

She cleared her throat and looked down a the letter in her hands.

"Dear Ron and Hermione,

You're probably furious with me right now because I made the decision to face Voldemort alone. If I succeeded, and I hope I did, then there's no point to this letter. If I didn't, well... I did it for you. Voldemort has already taken the rest of my family from me. I couldn't live with myself if he killed you two as well. I guess that's my "saving people" thing you're always talking about."

Hermione pursed her lips and stopped for a moment. She could feel the edges of her vision blur slightly and blinked a couple of times to keep herself from letting those tears that were threatening to fall. It didn't matter how many times she read this letter. These were his last words to them. And he was thinking of them the whole time.

She hated him for it. But loved him all the same.

"Do you remember when I told you I wanted to create a Horcrux, just in case something like this happened? Of course you do. You threatened to kill me yourself, Hermione. I promised that I wouldn't and I lied. Lied to the both of you.

I created a Horcrux using the smashed bits of my old Firebolt. I hid it under varied and elaborate wards and protection charms in my Aunt Petunia's garden."

Hermione stopped again. She let the words hang there. This is what Harry did for them. Ron and her had been keeping this a secret for almost three years and now everyone knew.

"If you're both dead as well, then it's Ginny who's reading this, but I'm hoping you're all safe. I'm sorry for whatever hell you've gone through.

I don't expect you'll bring me back, but if you have to, you have a way. It's not a great way, but it's a way.


Folding the letter back along its old creases, Hermione looked at the group.

"So. He gave us a way. And we've got nothing else. I don't expect anyone to be happy about it. I'm sorry for leaving it for so long and I'm sorry that it took Moody's death to make us realise that we can't do anything without Harry. Please don't hate him for it. And don't hate Ron either..."

With that, Hermione turned on her heel and left the room, her head down. She'd speak to them again later.

harry's foolhardy plan, order of the pheonix, complete

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