LJ Idol - Week 30: Plan B OR Return to OZBack in the olden days, before Al Gore invented the internet, a person had to actually venture outside and go to a thing called a "library" when one wanted to read a book or research a given subject, generally for school
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Comments 49
Of course, the fines themeselves weren't -quite- that high, but they sent me stuff like "Hey, you have our book. Give it back or we charge you for the replacement". The books themselves weren't textbooks, thank goodness.
'Cause, wow, that's a scary figure even as an adult.
This worked so well, though, that I figured I was free and clear from all library obligations for all time so I thought nothing of lending my library card to a friend shortly afterward. Who racked up lesser, but still intimidating fines for overdue books. And then returned the goddamn books, sticking me with the fines, knowing full well that I had done this to avert a similar tragedy.
I've never really forgiven him for that.
Yeah... I spaced out and forgot about his scheme before returning the books.
The fine may well be exaggerated, I don't remember what it was exactly, just that it was completely appalling to me at 14. I still remember the instantaneous full-body sweat I got from reading the figure, but the amount itself is less clear. I just picked something for demonstration purposes.
Realistically, a fine of $6.50 would have been about as bad, at the time. :)
This tale was from back in the olden days when you could still do prank calls, though. (Prank calling the operator, on the other hand, was never a good idea. They can just take over your phone and not give it back until you grovel for it! It's totally rude!)
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