
Sep 23, 2010 12:35

[In her rush to get up out of the unfamiliar bed, Christine's hand presses against the communicator and turns it's audio feed on.]

What? What is this?! Where .. Oh, my God .. Raoul? RAOUL?! Hello?? [There is a brushing of fabric on fabric as she finds her feet. Oh, if you could only see the level of shock on her face right now!! A soft gasp!My ( Read more... )

christine, intro

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Comments 32

asoutcastshear September 23 2010, 19:40:34 UTC
[...It couldn't be.

Still...Erik knows that voice. Better than any other. He hears the doors click close and he knows she's probably left her room. Maybe fortune was kind to him. Maybe she wasn't that far away. Maybe he could find her before that silly haired boy. Maybe. He was going to try anyway.

Searching deck five and going up.]


notalkodarkness September 23 2010, 20:26:58 UTC
[If there was one thing that Christine shouldn't have done it was leave her room with no idea where she was going. If there was a second thing she should have done, it would have been to go left down the hall and not to the right.

She pads down the hallway, heart in her throat as she begins to comprehend at least that she is on a ship of some kind. Her brown eyes dart this way and that as she hugs against the wall, bare feet nearly silent against the carpeted ground. She passes several rooms, not knowing whether they are occupied or not and, for the moment, more concerned with getting where she can see the sky.

She sees the warning posted on the wall of the hallway, but doesn't particularly pay attention to it; she's panicked and trying to escape, after all. She creeps further down the hall, searching for a set of stairs that might bring her to safely ( ... )


only_one_raoul September 23 2010, 20:50:59 UTC
[Guess who only listens to the comms when he feels like it? This means Raoul is completely unaware of the reappearance of Christine. He's headed up the center set of stairs, making a return to his room, when he hears something from the upper decks... was that a scream?

Picking up his pace, he bursts out onto the deck and stops to listen. What takes him completely by surprise is hearing his own name from around the corner. He doesn't have time to register the vague feeling of dread in his gut as he turns the corner to find a fast moving brunette barreling right into him. She's small, but the impact does send them both reeling backward.

As Raoul reaches out to brace a steadying hand against the wall, things start falling into place in his head. What this girl was screaming, what language it was screamed in, how horribly familiar the brown curls are... Raoul remembers feeling something very different the last time he held this girl.]



[commentlog - French vocals~] notalkodarkness September 23 2010, 21:12:12 UTC
[It's a muffled cry when Christine crashes into Raoul, stumbling backward and falling back against the wall closest her. She looks up, the wind successfully knocked out of her, and her eyes widen in recognition. She doesn't quite realize you aren't as pleased to see her as she is to see you.]


[Have a tiny girl-thing flinging herself at you, Raoul!]

Oh, God! Raoul, what is this?! You would never believe ..

[Oh well, lookie there .. My what big black soul-stealing eyes you have there, Raoul. Christine screams, releasing him with a backward stumble, expression clearly horrified.]

Oh God!! Raoul?? What .. [Now she's shaking her head in denial, back-stepping away from him..]


heavyweaponsbot September 23 2010, 20:55:01 UTC
[The giant alien robot is on his way back to his quarters, down on deck 5. It's been a long day of punching bees, and trying not to break gym equipment. He's a bit tired, a bit cranky...

... and really didn't expect to bump into a panicked-looking human female running around deck 6.]

What is wrong with you?


notalkodarkness September 24 2010, 14:25:16 UTC
[As if running into a bee the size of a welsh pony wasn't bad enough, now the poor lamb is going to bump into a robot? Yeah, this just isn't getting any better for her.

Christine reels backward as she runs into the large metal frame, dazed as she stumbles back against the wall. She is very nearly hyperventilating as her horrified gaze sweeps upward over the metal creature before her. With a whimper her hands fly over her eyes and she shakes her head, ringlets fanning around her face.]

Oh, God .. wake up Christine .. It's all just a dream ..

[Her hands fall from her face, and she stares up at the beast, tears streaming down her cheeks.]

Just a nightmare .. this is all just a nightmare..


heavyweaponsbot September 24 2010, 19:49:53 UTC
[It's probably not at all comforting, the way he stares down at her. But this kind of panic isn't exactly... what he's used to seeing.]

This is not a dream, female.

[He looks confused, if it's any consolation. And takes a step back, his head tilted. There's not really a way for him to look nonthreatening, considering his intended purpose as a soldier, aside from that.]

What is the matter?


Sorry for the delay! notalkodarkness September 25 2010, 22:02:08 UTC
[Well she'd appreciate the effort, in any case. His declaration that she isn't caught in some strange nightmarish dreamscape doesn't do too terribly much for her nerves, a hiccuped sob catching in her throat.]

But then .. those things were .. Then you are ..

[She notes that he's not moving any closer, and she hardly thinks that she has any sort of chance outdistancing it if it chases her, so this is a small comfort. She can't even begin to fathom what sort of a creature this is standing before her. At his question, her chin quivers and she sucks in a sharp breath, just this side of hysterics.]

Where am I?! What sort of a place is this?! I .. I was asleep in my bed .. I thought, perhaps, my Angel had brought me here, but he'd not .. not anything like this!

[Overwhelmed and just a tiny bit out of sorts? Oh, yes!]


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