[In her rush to get up out of the unfamiliar bed, Christine's hand presses against the communicator and turns it's audio feed on.]
What? What is this?! Where .. Oh, my God .. Raoul? RAOUL?! Hello?? [There is a brushing of fabric on fabric as she finds her feet. Oh, if you could only see the level of shock on her face right now!! A soft gasp!My
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... and really didn't expect to bump into a panicked-looking human female running around deck 6.]
What is wrong with you?
Christine reels backward as she runs into the large metal frame, dazed as she stumbles back against the wall. She is very nearly hyperventilating as her horrified gaze sweeps upward over the metal creature before her. With a whimper her hands fly over her eyes and she shakes her head, ringlets fanning around her face.]
Oh, God .. wake up Christine .. It's all just a dream ..
[Her hands fall from her face, and she stares up at the beast, tears streaming down her cheeks.]
Just a nightmare .. this is all just a nightmare..
This is not a dream, female.
[He looks confused, if it's any consolation. And takes a step back, his head tilted. There's not really a way for him to look nonthreatening, considering his intended purpose as a soldier, aside from that.]
What is the matter?
But then .. those things were .. Then you are ..
[She notes that he's not moving any closer, and she hardly thinks that she has any sort of chance outdistancing it if it chases her, so this is a small comfort. She can't even begin to fathom what sort of a creature this is standing before her. At his question, her chin quivers and she sucks in a sharp breath, just this side of hysterics.]
Where am I?! What sort of a place is this?! I .. I was asleep in my bed .. I thought, perhaps, my Angel had brought me here, but he'd not .. not anything like this!
[Overwhelmed and just a tiny bit out of sorts? Oh, yes!]
[He's never been all that comforting of a 'Bot. But, really, there's no malice in his tone, just plain fact. He stands perfectly still, though.]
You are on a ship. No one knows how we got here. Or why.
[Ironhide snorts.]
It is no one's fault, but the captain's.
Real .. then all of this .. those .. those bees are real. Oh, God.
[Christine grows very white then, falling back a bit to lean heavily against the wall. Everything tilts rather precariously for a moment and she closes her eyes, swallowing thickly.]
I'm on a ship .. with .. [She swallows again, looking up at the large, foreign creature. Her next words are soft and plaintive as she shakes her head in a futile bit of denial.]
I want to go home .. I ..
You going to offline?
[While he hasn't come closer, he does crouch slightly, to peer at her. Even if he's only around 7' tall here, he's still massive, compared to most humans.]
Calm down. I am not about to harm you, female. We protect your kind.
As for the rest, we all want to go home.
Off .. offline? I d-don't under .. understand ..
[Then he crouches and for a brief moment Christine thinks that she is about to die, until he makes no further move to approach her. Slowly, she remembers how to breath again and exhales shakily. She listens to what he says and swallow tightly, forcing herself to breathe.]
Y-you .. p-protect? You would easily be the victor against anything I could name .. Might I ask what you protect us from?
[Slowly, she seems to be regaining some form of composure, even if she's still dreadfully fearful and confused.]
Fall unconscious. Eh... pass out.
[Millennia of using Cybertronian terminology is hard to shake. He leans his arms on his knees, in a pose he copied from the soldiers back home.]
From threats that endanger your lives.
[He picked those words carefully. If she's this panicked over him, probably wouldn't be best to mention, or try to explain, Decepticons. Hey! He's learning tact! Sort of.]
No .. No, I think I am fine. A bit overwhelmed, but alright.
[Understatement of the year award goes to.. She listens rather intently, eyes still a bit large, as Ironhide explains that his kind protects her own from things that might endanger their lives. She would give him props for wording himself so delicately if she knew, be assured.]
A-are such threats so common that a c-creature like you need be prepared? I've never seen anything like you before .. in all my life ..
[The medic is a robot, anyway. And it doesn't even look vaguely humanoid. She'd probably be even more frightened if he had to drag her up there.]
In my world, they are common.
[That's the truth, at least. If she really wants to know more... But he doesn't think he needs to elaborate.]
I am an Autobot. We remain hidden... normally.
I should say so .. I cannot imagine many would react far differently than myself were you to make yourself known openly. Nothing I have read .. no stories I have ever heard .. nothing made any sort of reference to beings like you ..
[She swallows tightly and pushes forward from the wall slightly. She hadn't missed the reference that he was from someplace else, and though the thought of something so vastly outside her own world is terrifying, it is also intriguing.]
You said your world .. do you .. do you mean you ( ... )
Usually they shoot. Not offline--pass out.
[He says it casually, deadpan - almost amused. There aren't many weapons that have an effect on his armor.]
Yeah. Most of us are from other worlds. It is accepted fact, in this place.
It is not unknown for .. a.. a human .. to act rather foolishly when scared .. Not all of us run away ..
[She offers a rather weak smile, perfectly aware that she was a prime example of the latter. It slips a little as he tells her that most here come from other worlds. She pales, but not nearly so much as she had before.]
There are many others on board this ship?
Yeah. Some of you run forward.
[That was a joke. Along with being comforting, the weapons master is rather poor at making jokes as well.]
Many. Never tried to take an accurate count, but there are enough to fill a small town... I think.
Yes .. well, I would never claim that we are the most intelligent of beings at every moment. We are rather .. rash at the least of times.
[She listens as he tells her that there are many people on board the ship and breathes out softly. It's not the answer she would prefer to hear by any means, but it is an honest answer.]
Do you think, perhaps .. there are others I know here? That there is any chance of that?
[Her voice is soft as she asks, searching his alien face for some kind of reassurance.]
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