Bits and Pieces: I Think I'm Broken

Sep 09, 2011 18:58

Title: I Think I'm Broken
Summary: Still on the long road to recovery, Jack’s insecurities come to the surface.
Timeframe: Post ‘Changes.’
Characters/Pairing: Jack/Sam
Genre: Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Angst
Rating: G
Started: July 27, 2011 Finished: Sept. 8, 2011

I Think I'm Broken )

established samjack, series: bits and pieces, angst, drama, established relationship, hurt/comfort

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Comments 3

thothmes September 10 2011, 03:12:45 UTC
That's always the worst part, isn't it, of any sort of brain injury, that terrible point at which the person can see the loss. At least for Jack he is on the upswing, and not decending into dementia. He can know hope, or if he doesn't, Sam will remind him.

That tangled mix of guilt and acknowledgement that it was better for her not to have been there is also very real and true. So many writers forget that most human emotion does not exist in its pure state, but in a swirling brew.

It always was a feature of Sam and Jack (think of Jack asking Sam if he ought to be irked by Loki, or Sam getting her first strong inkling that maybe Pete is not the one for her when she has to deal with Pete's call to the base in Jack's presence) that they are in a sense the keeper of the other's emotions but often in the setting of ignoring/overriding/suppressing them, so it's nice to get a glimpse of them being more open and emotive because they are together.

Short, but very sweet.


not_a_zatarc September 10 2011, 03:20:33 UTC
Thank you. I'm really glad you liked it. I've been reading a lot of TBI memoirs lately, and they keep inspiring me to add to this series, enlightening me on the plights of the survivors and their families. :)


thothmes September 10 2011, 03:37:41 UTC
In that case, let's hope your library has a nice loooong shelf of TBI books, because I really enjoy these!


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