In Time: Stuck

Jun 14, 2010 21:35

Title: Stuck
Summary: “Great. I think it’s stuck.”
Timeframe: The Shawny timeline from "In Time: A Mother's Work," and “Let Go.”
Characters/Pairing: Established Sam/Jack, Shawny
Genre: Drabble, Fluff, Humor, Family
Word Count: 142
Rating: G
Note: Written for a letter/word writing meme. S for Stuck, as requested by regularamanda. :)


“Great. I think it‘s stuck,” Jack muttered with a groan before giving one last, futile tug. “Um, yeah. It’s definitely stuck.” Cursing under his breath, Jack looked down at the wide, puppy-like blue eyes staring up at him.

“Jack, what’s taking you so long? Just put him in a clean shirt and let’s go,” came Sam’s impatient voice from down the hall.

Grimacing, Jack lifted his sixteen-month-old son and perched him on his hip. One more time he tried to gently pluck the marble-like object out of the baby’s right nostril, but Shawny squirmed and started to cry this time, and the round bit of doggy kibble stuck up his nose didn‘t budge.

“I am so getting blamed for this.” Sighing, Jack patted his son’s back and carried him out of the nursery. “Ah, Sam? We got a little problem here.”


prompt!fic, family, fluff, other character, drabble, samjack, humor, series: in time, established relationship

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