Little Rascals part 4

Jun 09, 2010 09:51

Title: Little Rascals
Summary: Jack and Daniel have been turned into little kids and they’re driving Sam (and everyone else) crazy!
Timeframe: Slight AU, Season Three-ish.
Characters/Pairing: Established Sam/Jack and Janet/Daniel.
Genre: Humor, kidfic, AU, Drama, Hurt/Comfort
Rating: PG.
Note: I apologize for the shortness of this final part, but I had a tough time breaking up the last chapter. Hope you still enjoy it. :)

Part Four

Sam checked Jack’s temperature for about the seventh time in the last half hour, and readjusted the ice packs she’d placed around her miniature husband’s body. He had finally drifted off to sleep, and she laid down next to him, alternating from watching him sleep and staring at the muted monitor, her eyes following the up and down zig-zags of his heart beat.

The sight soon lulled her off to sleep, and Sam zonked out, mesmerized by the sound of the little boy’s breathing and the pattern of bright lines on the monitor screen.

When she opened her eyes, Jack was gone. Sam sat up in a panic. The monitor screen was a straight line, and the leads lay on the bed with the ice packs. A brief moment of clarity soothed her, because if Jack had been gone long, Janet would have been there already. Momentarily comforted by the thought that Janet would be on her way, Sam quickly looked around the room before her eyes zeroed in on the half-open bathroom door, a little bit of light coming from inside.

“Jack?” she called out tentatively, creeping anxiously toward the door. Sam pushed it open, holding her breath until she saw Jack - adult Jack - curled into a ball on the cold tiles, naked as the day he was born.

Sam hurriedly knelt at his side, checking the pulse at his wrist and stroking the side of his face. “Jack? Jack, babe, wake up.”

He began to rouse slowly, his face scrunched up with what looked like pain and confusion. “Sam?” Jack croaked, craning his neck to look up at her from the floor.

She smiled at him and continued stroking his face soothingly. “It’s okay; it’s okay. You’re back now.”

His brows furrowed for a moment before his expression changed. “Sam . . .” he whispered weakly. “I don’t feel so good . . .”

Sam’s eyes widened in alarm as Jack lost consciousness. She patted his face and called his name, but she couldn’t wake him again. Scrambling to her feet, Sam raced back into the main room to grab the extra blanket from the bed. She quickly wrapped it around her husband’s naked body just as she heard Janet enter the room.


“Janet! He’s back, but I think something’s wrong,” Sam cried, gathering Jack to her so that he was half in her lap, as much off the cold floor as she could get him.


“This is weird,” Daniel murmured absently from the observation deck above the isolation room Jack had been put in. His friend was still unconscious, hooked up to monitors and an IV drip. Sam was sitting on the edge of her husband’s bed, his hand in hers.

“What’s weird?” Janet asked him as she entered the room.

Shaking himself, Daniel turned to her with a tight smile and rubbed his arms. “It’s strange. I remember bits and pieces of when we were, you know, little, and it’s just kinda weird seeing him big again.” His brows furrowed momentarily, and he made a face. “It’s weird being big again.”

Janet came up beside him and rubbed his back, leaning her head against his shoulder. “You feel okay, right?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, and waved a hand at the window. “How’s Jack?”

When he craned his neck to see Janet’s face, he could see that she was frowning slightly. “He’s still unconscious, but his fever is finally going down.”

Daniel nodded thoughtfully, sinking into a chair and once more staring through the window at his two friends. He felt the weight of Janet’s hand on his shoulder a moment later.

“He’ll be okay, Daniel.”


When Jack’s temperature finally returned to normal in the late evening, he began to rouse from the worrying state of unconsciousness he’d been ensconced in for the last several hours.

Sam sat up, alert at his side. She lovingly squeezed his arm, urging him to open his eyes and look at her. “Come on, Jack. Wake up,” she whispered pressingly.

As his dark, foggy eyes finally opened, Jack’s gaze tracked toward Sam sluggishly. His brows pulled together with confusion.

“Jack, do you know where you are?”

His eyes shifted slowly from left to right, then his brows furrowed slightly. “Infirmary?”

Sam nodded emphatically with a smile. “That’s right, Jack.” Her hand slid down his arm to grasp his hand.

“What happened?” He asked as his eyes shifted to look around the room.

“You don’t remember?”

Jack closed his eyes in thought for a moment, his free hand dragging up to rest on his forehead. “Not really.” He made a face and opened his eyes again. “Something about mud, air ducts, and . . . cake?”

Sam laughed and nodded affirmatively. “Yeah, something like that.” She raked a hand through his hair gently, then propped up his pillows and helped Jack sit up as Janet and Daniel came through the door.

Daniel’s big smile was infectious. “Hey Jack, how’s it feel to be big again?”

“What?” Jack stared blankly at his friend, then his brows furrowed, and Sam could tell some things were still coming back. His eyes widened and he dragged both hands over his face. “Aw, Christ.”

“It’s okay, Jack,” Sam assured her husband, smiling and rubbing his shoulder. “You weren’t that unmanageable.”

He heaved a sigh and rubbed at the back of his head. “Great.”

Janet did a quick vitals check, then had Jack lean forward so she could examine his back. Both she and Sam shared an amazed look behind him. “Wow,” the doctor murmured, sweeping a hand across Jack’s unscathed upper back.

“The transformation must have healed him,” Sam murmured absently with amazement.

Jack grew slightly agitated as his confusion escalated. “What are you talking about?”

Daniel stepped in. “Ah, let’s just say you had a little lab accident when you were small.”

Sam shared amused expressions with Daniel and Janet, then reassuringly squeezed Jack’s hand and smiled. “It’s okay, you didn’t ruin anything important.”

Jack rolled his eyes, looking like he was still in a bit of shock trying to process it all.

“Now, Colonel, how are you feeling?” Janet asked him seriously.

“I feel fine,” he answered confidently.

Sam beamed happily over at Janet. As much as she still loved little Jack, and would always remember the sweet little moments she shared with him, Sam was just so relieved that her husband was back to himself.

“But more importantly,” Jack began, sending Daniel a conspiratorial wink. “When do I get my cake?”

. The End .

au, kidfic, drama, prompt!fic, samjack, kid!daniel, humor, danieljanet, established relationship, kid!jack, hurt/comfort

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