
Oct 01, 2006 14:37

Chase was in on his way to work, a little flustered and a little tired from lack of sleep.

It wasn't as though he'd been partying with any friends, or doing anything particularly wonky. But the images he'd find himself waking up to--nightmares--call it what you will--had been keeping him up lately.

There was a large sized, hot steaming paper-cup of coffee in one hand, and a series of files in the other. Once Chase managed to open the door of the Princeton Plainsboro Teaching Hospital, he took a deep breath, placed his files on the reception desk and walked straight to the elevator without a word or a gesture to any of his fellow doctors.

The elevator door closed before him, making a barely audible swooshing sound. He waited until he reached his floor and then in one somewhat tired movement, stepped out, occasionally sipping his black coffee. With his free hand, he rubbed his face as though it would rid him of the exhaustion in his features, and made his way to the Diagnostic Medicine office.

He could see the backs of his fellow colleagues, Allison Cameron and Eric Foreman, through the glass wall. And luck would have it that he couldn't see House anywhere. Not that it meant House wasn't already in...but one tired soul could hope.

Quickly, he opened the door to join them before realizing that something had gone shockingly awry...


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