It's been crazy. I've gone to Tabu, Studio 54, and Pure more times than I would care to admit and came to a conclusion. I hate all people who go clubbing. If I would have had to wait in line to be bumped around by people who only god knows where they've been, I would have been majorly pissed. Even though it offers little comfort, at least I
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fu_shu_jing Go into your LJ archive. Find your 23rd post. Find your 5th sentence (or closest to it). Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.
I saw Lluvy, Christina, and Brittany from America's Next Top Model today at the Magic Convetion. Even though there were tons of other celebrities there, including Jenna Jameson and Steve Harvey, I was more excited about those three. HAHA. I still have the badges so I think I'm going to drag Dan to the convention before it ends to do some light
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