Happy as a Mountie in a Shack

Feb 13, 2012 11:51

Okay, I realize I've been away from the due South fandom for a while, but what the hell is going on? We got wankified? Yeesh.

I don't know staranise, and judging from her LJ post, I wouldn't want to know her. But her take on cesperanza's Canadian Shack 10th Anniversary Challenge is pretty damn off-base, and it's gotten me all angered up.

And here's why )

consulting the experts, meta, off the reservation, ds stuff, ds meta

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Comments 33

hurry_sundown February 13 2012, 20:16:44 UTC
Gee-zuss, nos, that woman sounds like a real twat.

*pounces you*

I was just thinking about you last night. Hope you're well, baybee.


nos4a2no9 February 13 2012, 20:39:29 UTC
Aww, thanks! I'm well! Just, y'know, keeping on keeping on. I should update more.

How are you? Life-stuff going okay?


hurry_sundown February 13 2012, 21:03:13 UTC
I'm okay, also not around much. I just got over some nasty sinus thing that I missed a week and a half of work for. *le sigh* Child is fine, got her braces a couple of weeks ago and keeps getting taller - all this growing up stuff is flipping me out. She's got a more active social life than I do (good for her), which keeps us busy chaffeuring her around. Spouse is a good sport about managing her schedule, and he's even the cookie dad for this year's Girl Scout cookie sale.

And yes, you should post more often (as should I), even if it's just a drive-by. Your peeps miss you.


ifreet February 13 2012, 20:24:47 UTC
I am here to support you in email! Aw, crap, I just failed at lurking.

I had no idea "shack" was such an offensive term. Perhaps I should support the whole Canadian Fandoms for Canadians movement and quit due South and C6D fandoms -- though from the original post it's unclear if I could continue to participate in Supernatural or not. (I'm guessing that making fun of SPN's inaccurate portrayls of the US Midwest is right out, though.)

Anyway - what you said about geography as a true presence in due South fic and about the number of fics in the fandom that do touch upon serious issues - contemporary and historic - within Canada. The Canadian shack fics probably are not srs bsns, but I'm not convinced that's worth raging about.


ifreet February 13 2012, 20:38:19 UTC
... slightly less sarcastically, I can kind of wrap my head around her anger when I consider that the Canadian Shack challenge contains all the fictional Canada that many non dS fans are likely to encounter, and those stories will be PWP and humor with wilderness window dressing. There's a context for the challenge amongst due South fans that's not going to be there for the SPN or True Blood fans who stumble across a story included in the collection.

But I would like to trust that those readers aren't looking for truth in geography/demography in their quick and dirty fics.


nos4a2no9 February 13 2012, 20:41:05 UTC
Hahaha, awesome. I do like de-lurking support! And I think you're fine to stay in both dS and SPN: hopefully the OP will vanish from both.

And really, not srs bsns at all. I don't understand why she couldn't pick something else to rant about. Leave our fandom alone!


jamethiel_bane February 13 2012, 20:33:42 UTC
Yeah, I rolled my eyes at that whole thing. I'm not... due South is not my place really anymore but I have such incredible fondness for it. It remains my safe place.


hurry_sundown February 13 2012, 21:12:01 UTC
I know what you mean. I pretty much live in Sherlock fandom these days, but I still consider dS my home fandom, because that's where I found many of my friends (OL and RL). Also, it's about the sanest, least wanky (usually), and most welcoming fandom I've encountered (post-Ray Wars, anyway *g*).


nos4a2no9 February 17 2012, 13:33:03 UTC
Yeah, for me too! How dare they try to wreck our happy place? *tiny fists of rage*


mergatrude February 13 2012, 23:08:58 UTC
Wow! If I pitched a fit every time I saw a North American representation of Australia or Australians...well! Let's say I would have lost the use of both my voice and my fingers.

One of the reasons I love due South so much is you get a sense of how much the show's creators loved the things they mocked, and that's a very Australian thing to do - mock the stereotypes and love the country and people who create them.

Hi, Nos! *hugs*


brigantine February 14 2012, 03:17:26 UTC
I think all countries get stereotyped by other countries. I mean, most of the representations I've seen of the US seem to be that we're all rich, all either cowboys or bankers, and all from either Texas or New York. *giggles*

Me, I get the feeling that Australians and folks from the US are a lot alike. I could be wrong, but the sense of humor seems to be pretty similar. ;D


mergatrude February 14 2012, 03:27:17 UTC
I'm standing around waiting for you to go "yee-haw!" Everything I learned about the US I learned from your own TV shows, so you've only yourselves to blame if I expect you all to behave exactly as they do on F-Troop! *g*

And while any genuine Aussie would hotly dispute your contention, the fact is that we're mostly all from the same diaspora and share the same values and sensibilities.


brigantine February 14 2012, 03:56:48 UTC
Egad! How did you know I often behave like Corporal Agarn??? *Looks around with wild suspicion*

(Oh man, now I want an F-Troop icon!)


innocentsmith February 13 2012, 23:44:27 UTC
OMG, a Nos! *glomps*

Yeah, that was one of the more spectacular examples of concern-trolling I've seen in a while. My favorite bit was the part about how terrible Monty Python's Lumberjack Song was in reinforcing stereotypes about...crossdressing Canadian lumberjacks?

But amidst howling with laughter I did definitely kind of have to pause and go, Wow, this staranise person clearly knows jack about (1) the Canadian shack challenge (which usually doesn't have all many PWPs compared to, say, wacky conversations) or (2) the due South fandom (no, of course there aren't any actual Canadians in the fandom at all), or (3) due South itself (and its constant tongue-in-cheekiness towards stereotypes. I mean, that is one of the principal themes of the show). So why the hell she took it upon herself to get het up about it all I can't imagine.

*shakes head* IDEK. People.


nos4a2no9 February 17 2012, 13:37:08 UTC
*glomps you back*

Hah, yes, that offensive Lumberjack Song really needs to go on the Canadian Content watchlist as being offensive. And saucy.

Heh, no, no Canadians here in the fandom at all. *whistles* I do suspect she's never really watched the show. She certainly seemed contemptuous of it in her comments, so I'm going to assume she just didn't get it.

But you're right. People. Blows ya mind, doesn't it?


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