Hey ho! I tried to post from my phone yesterday, but gremlins ate it. I just had a TERRIFIC weekend with
keerawa, who generously provided me with a General Admission ticket to the 2010 Salute to Supernatural con, held exactly 20mins walking distance from my place of employment in downtown Vancouver. (I know it's 20mins because I walked it whilst pushing
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Comments 20
As for Misha - the man is totally, adorably inSANE. I actually got a twitter account just so I could follow him - he is hilarious and crazy to follow. I would have loved to hear his ramblethon.
*sending good energy for your case review*
Keep us updated, darling. Miss you.
SKIIIIIIPPPP!!! (Er. Sorry, I have no reference point for him in SPN. Just for BoB.)
Also, I am ridiculously jealous that you got to hang out with keerawa all weekend.
Right, I'm not here, I'm wriiiiting. And panicking about tomorrow's meeting. But I'm sure it'll be fine.
FTR, that was also my reaction. (Possibly with fewer "III"s. But still.) I know he was awesome on SPN - look! fandom-appropriate icon, just to prove this! - but in my mind he's Muck all the way.
(...the capital "M" is important, btw.)
*wishes you luck on case review as well*
If your eventual path from BC to Atlanta takes you anywhere near our city, M and I would be glad to have you for whatever length of time. You can likely make the whole trek without paying for food or lodging.
I'm so glad you got to get out and have fangirl shenanigans with Keerawa! Even with Small Human in tow. Hee. Small Human's first con!
Also, YAY for the good folks in Atlanta! They want you bad, Miz Nos! \n/
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