This post is brought to you by shameless self-promotion

Aug 22, 2008 13:42

I spent some time this morning reorganizing my fic memories and updating my website. It looks like I've posted 35 due South stories, 18 dS/C6D drabbles and 4 longer C6D stories since Sept. 15, 2006. That is...a lot of fic. I'm hoping to hit 40 dS fics by the end of the year. Is this an insane goal? Possibly. I tend to average about a fic a month, although things slow down a little when there's a challenge like the Match or dSSS, or RL starts to kick my ass. But I think I can manage about five more by the end of the year to get that nice, even number. (My slight case of OCD, let me show you).

Anyway, aside from compulsive re-organizing, I'm waiting for some more Match-related fics to arrive in my beta-box, and brooklinegirl just posted that awesome, "What happens after?" meme. Since I'm looking for a distraction and I'd like to write some short, possibly porny drabbles...

Give me one of my stories and a time (two days after, three months before, a hundred years after), and I'll tell you what happened.

I'll write drabbles for the first three titles you give me (if there's an interest) and see what I can do with the others. I can't promise anything more than a good blowjob scene but, y'know. We'll see what happens. So, any takers?

My due South and C6D stories can be found at my website, and also here, here and here (in my shiny newly reorganized Memories).

pleas for prompts, meme madness

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