Thu, 17:55: RT @ jamie_raskin: Tuesday I thanked nurses, doctors & pharmacists at @ MedStarGUH who serve with splendid kindness-and saved my life over 5…
Tue, 13:44: RT @ JoeBiden: Every generation has a moment where they have had to stand up for democracy. To stand up for their fundamental freedoms. I be…
Tue, 10:53: RT @ iCatCare: It’s #RespectYourCatDay 😺 Find out what makes a cat a cat and what this means for you as their owner and caregiver 👉 https://…
Sat, 22:21: RT @ AshaRangappa_: I see that Jim Jordan’s “weaponization” committee is covering the “Twitter files” today (again). Looks like an attempt t…
Thu, 21:42: RT @ TheB52s: Dear fellow citizens, We, The B-52’s, are deeply concerned about the numerous new bills that promote transphobia and discrimi…
Mon, 07:56: That white lady (i know u!) still be all nervous selling to a black family 😭 ?=Perfect. Dad’s speech (thanks daddy) Mom’s scream (but miss u the most) #WHAG 1st movie where imma starring character