Round 9

May 16, 2012 22:13


Round 10 will be up in about a week.  We'll have a friending meme up in the next couple of days, and we'll be discussing hiring new mods to deal with the influx of members and prompts.

Welcome to norsekink!

Keep up the awesome, folks.
Attention: When you fill a prompt offsite or on your own journal rather than on the ( Read more... )

round 09, prompt post

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Loki/Thor - "*I* was made to be ruled" anonymous May 17 2012, 09:20:12 UTC
(crossposted from avengerkinkIt seemed pretty obvious in The Avengers, during Loki's speeches about the freedom of obedience, how humans crave being ruled and the lure of choice keeps them from true happiness, as well as his furious rant to Natasha about how the blood on her ledger could never wiped seemed pretty obvious a good chunk of that was self-directed. He also looked kind of happy to me to be going home in the very last scene. He would never choose to return on his own, but it's himself and the choices he knows he'll keep making that he's afraid of, it's himself he can never be safe around, and he wishes there was someone to just take his power, his freedom, away, so he could stop making these choices that only leave him more and more hurt and angry and alone ( ... )


OP anonymous June 12 2012, 17:39:05 UTC
I love this SO MUCH, I can hardly stand it. It's getting better and better and it's basically like you plucked vague Loki headcanon wildflowers from my head and arranged them into this extravagantly beautiful, sharp, exquisite bouquet of perfect. The dialogue rings so true and the nuances you're dipping into are just so wonderful and painful and them. *curls up in this fic and never leaves*


Re: OP blood_songs90 June 13 2012, 15:40:10 UTC
asdfghjklafgaf; Let me love you. (hugs)

I'm so glad you like it! Like I've said previously, I'm always so worried that I'll muck up the voice, but I think it's getting better as I write more. ♥ All the angst, ugh. STOP DOING THIS TO ME, LOKI. CEASE THIS FOLLY.


Of Days Forsaken (4/?) blood_songs90 June 24 2012, 14:45:00 UTC
He can’t, and won’t, look Thor in the eye. It hurts Thor to see Loki dance around him like this, avoiding others, avoiding Thor in his pain especially when sometimes, all you have to do is surrender. To let go ( ... )


Re: Of Days Forsaken (4/?) badass_tiger June 27 2012, 13:56:05 UTC
This is a brilliant fill, and I eagerly await the rest.


Re: Of Days Forsaken (4/?) blood_songs90 June 27 2012, 14:27:13 UTC
Thank you very much. I'm glad you're enjoying it so far! ♥


OP anonymous June 28 2012, 22:44:07 UTC
I've had this saved in my inbox to read for a few days now, and as always it is ever so worth the wait. The dynamic between them here is just achy and delicious and your Loki continues to be perfect and I cannot WAIT for where this is going. <3


Re: OP blood_songs90 August 1 2012, 12:04:41 UTC
Oh, you. :3 Thanks again!


Of Days Forsaken (5/?) blood_songs90 July 31 2012, 14:59:58 UTC
He can’t handle this ( ... )


Of Days Forsaken (6 /?) blood_songs90 December 23 2012, 16:23:10 UTC
“Don’t forgive me, Thor.” Loki seems to leans in towards Thor’s heat, Thor’s lips, like he can’t help himself. It’s at odds with his words from earlier, with everything he says, but Thor’s long learned to read between lines when it comes to Loki, to interpret things differently if it calls for it. This time is no difference. “I deserve anything but forgiveness ( ... )


Re: Of Days Forsaken (6 /?) anonymous February 12 2013, 05:26:12 UTC
Love this fill and hope you will finish it! Dare I hope for a happy ending??


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