Round 9

May 16, 2012 22:13


Round 10 will be up in about a week.  We'll have a friending meme up in the next couple of days, and we'll be discussing hiring new mods to deal with the influx of members and prompts.

Welcome to norsekink!

Keep up the awesome, folks.
Attention: When you fill a prompt offsite or on your own journal rather than on the prompt, remember to link to your fill on the prompt so that the OP can find it.  Also remember, when filling prompts, to add them to the Fill List, for easy reference. (If you prefer to add longer fills when they're finished rather than as WIPs, that's fine too.)

NOTE: We've noticed that some of the prompts being posted have Thor characters only making cameos or not featured at all. We realize that Thor is closely involved in the Avengers, but we're requesting that any prompts that do not have at least one Thor character playing a central role be posted in avengerkink or one of the other general kinkmemes. We're not going to be too strict about this, but please use your best judgement. This is a Thor kinkmeme so please make prompts in that spirit.

POST HEADERS: You are no longer required to label your spoilers for the Avengers Film. Please remember, however, to label your prompts properly according to our formatting rules, which are listed below.

Reminder: Please do NOT repost prompts from previous rounds in this round. Reposts of prompts from rounds 1-6 are welcome in Golden Oldies Round 1.

Format of Prompts
  • Alphabetize pairings/threesomes/moresomes. (e.g. Heimdall/Loki/Thor).
  • Put [RPF] before RPF prompts. (e.g. [RPF] Chris/Tom)
  • For crossover prompts: "[Crossover], Thor Character(s)/Other Character(s), [Fandom]" (e.g. [Crossover], Loki/Tony, [Iron Man])
  • No "!" in pairings, only in descriptions. (e.g. Jane/Darcy, Quarterback!Thor, CFO!Loki)
  • Anyone, everyone, no one? Use "Other." (e.g. Jane/Other)
  • Put [GEN] before GEN prompts.
  • Put any content warnings in the comment header. For a complete list of required warnings see here.










Fills (new rules in bold)
  • No kink-shaming. Period. This includes shaming pairing types (het, slash, etc) and pairings themselves.
  • If you see wank, do not reply to the offending comment; report it in the Page-A-Mod thread instead.  Offensive or wanktastic comments will be frozen/deleted.  Wank brought in from another comm will be deleted as well.
  • Link to NSFW images/videos. Don't embed.
  • Please don't link to locked material. This includes locked communities, even in membership is open.
  • Fills may be posted anonymously or not, but please respect any poster's right to remain anonymous.
  • Fills can be anything: fic, art, vid, fanmix, podfic, etc.
  • If your fill may have triggering content, please put a warning in the subject line of the fill.
  • Do not use oppressive language in prompts or comments.  It's fine in fills.
  • Prompts may be filled as many times as you like. There are lots of really interesting prompts, and if one inspires you, feel free to fill it again even if someone already has.
  • To make sure that your newly posted fic is found and properly indexed, please post a comment to the Fill List using the prescribed format.

This round will close at 5000 comments.

Quick Links
Fill List | Discussion Post
Round One | Round Two | Round Three | Round Four | Round Five | Round Six | Round Seven | Round Eight
Round Ten | Round Eleven | Round Twelve | Round Thirteen | Round Fourteen | Round Fifteen | Golden Oldies Rounds One to Twelve |
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round 09, prompt post

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