Avengers Spoilers, part II

Apr 22, 2012 23:12

Our original post regarding Avengers Spoilers (created after the trailers began showing) can be found here. Please read and review these rules before posting anything with spoilers for The Avengers movie in it.  We are requesting that you put your spoiler warnings in both the HEADER of your post (and we'd like to remind you that all posts need a header, and what goes in that header is outlined in the rules at the beginning of each prompt post) AND at the top of your post body as outlined in the original spoilers policy post (underlined or bold and in another color).

In addition to this, we would like to ask that you do not post any spoilers until after May 6th.  The movie is releasing in many locations this week and this weekend, and will be out everywhere (except, I believe, Japan, Poland, and Pakistan, according to IMDB) after May 4th.  This will give the majority of people the chance to see the movie before you post spoilers.

As stated in the original spoiler policy post, this goes for all threads on the kinkmeme, prompt posts, fills, and discussion threads included.

Thank you all for your awesomeness and your cooperation in this!  We wish you all the best in avoiding spoilers and we hope everyone enjoys The Avengers movie and continues to enjoy the kinkmeme.

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