Round 7

Jan 15, 2012 10:58


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round 07, prompt post

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Fill: Bait and Switch 1a/2 [Supernatural, GEN] purplemoon3 February 11 2012, 19:48:46 UTC
Characters: Loki, Gabriel, Lucifer, Castiel ( ... )


Re: Fill: Bait and Switch 1b/2 [Supernatural, GEN] purplemoon3 February 11 2012, 19:49:51 UTC
Lucifer's biggest flaw was pride; his belief in the infallibility of himself. Gabriel marvels at the fact Lucifer thinks he's just been sitting on his ass all these years, twiddling his thumbs and waiting for daddy to send him on a memo run. Yes, Gabriel is the Messenger. Gabriel is the fastest, and smoothest, the silver tongue of the celestial choirs, but when Dad wanted some humans smote who did he send? When the giants of the old religions went rampaging through creation, who fought them to a stand still? Who cast out the hypocrites and brought low kings? Gabriel had been on the front lines longer than Lucifer could imagine ( ... )


Fill: Bait and Switch 2/2 [Supernatural, GEN] purplemoon3 February 11 2012, 19:51:01 UTC
"Castiel? Son of the Nameless God?" Whispers a sibilant voice that brings Castiel out of his contemplation of the futility of existence. He sits up in his hospital bed and focuses on a man that is not a man. There's enough other left in him for that, at least, and Castiel stiffens as the morphine starts to wear off ( ... )


Re: Fill: Bait and Switch 2/2 [Supernatural, GEN] cancerjanus February 11 2012, 22:02:10 UTC
Jaw-dropping good!


Re: Fill: Bait and Switch 2/2 [Supernatural, GEN] ext_1023615 February 12 2012, 08:26:12 UTC
Awww, why'd it have to end? D: I would love to see more of this...MUCH more of this. The sort of brotherhood between Gabriel and Loki is kind of adorable, and I'm really curious to see what Thor did and how Cas is supposed to help. XD


OP Says.. purplemoon3 February 12 2012, 23:27:31 UTC


Re: OP Says.. purplemoon3 February 14 2012, 17:02:07 UTC
I wasn't planning on it, but Loki demands more adventures with the holy feather dusters, and you know how he does what he wants...


Re: Fill: Bait and Switch 2/2 [Supernatural, GEN] dogmatix_san February 13 2012, 19:41:58 UTC
XD That was awesome and I love it!


Re: Fill: Bait and Switch 2/2 [Supernatural, GEN] ynathesrith February 13 2012, 23:18:22 UTC
OK, you've convinced me. I will give Supernatural another chance. (toddles off to order some disks from Netflix). Great fill!


Re: Fill: Bait and Switch 2/2 [Supernatural, GEN] purplemoon3 February 14 2012, 17:08:17 UTC
Exceeeeelent. Though I'd be wary of seasons 6 and 7, but some of my favorite episodes from season 6 were "Clap your hands if you believe", "The French Mistake", and "Frontierland". And there was one episode of season 7 with Charisma Carpenter as an evil witch. Nostalgia, my old friend.


Sequel: Three Against Three Thousand 1a/3 purplemoon3 February 17 2012, 03:12:42 UTC
Characters: Loki, Gabriel, Castiel. Avengers, Fury, Coulson. Sam, Dean. Pairing: One sided Tony/Loki. Kink: Drunk!BAMFs.

The thing, the thing was... "Dolphins." Loki muttered as he lifted his bottle and watched the lights dance in the colored glass. "Dolphins is what I'm talking about. He's like a bloody dolphin. Everyone's like, oh, he's so cute with his bottle-nose, and look! He just fucked up that shark! How clever! Right for the gills! It's 'cause he squeaks. And he swims around battling those... those... beach balls around. They don't see. They don't know. I know ( ... )


Sequel: Three Against Three Thousand 1b/3 purplemoon3 February 17 2012, 03:14:35 UTC
"And as I been telling you for the last twenty-five hundred years, you aren't Asgardian."

Loki sniffed. He just had to rub it in. Well. If their positions were reversed -and they had been, once- he would be doing the same. "I'm fairly certain Jotun don't get them, either. Or maybe they don't drink? No... that can't be right... there's no such thing as a warrior society without alcohol ( ... )


Sequel: Three Against Three Thousand 1c/3 purplemoon3 February 17 2012, 03:17:09 UTC
Loki frowned and stared at buzzing lights. Wasn't there one named Meg? And someone else... the horsemen, some of them, were still wandering around. Anthropomorphic personifications could be a bitch. Maybe this whole binge drinking thing hadn't been a good idea. It certainly felt like something his not-brother would do ( ... )


Re: Sequel: Three Against Three Thousand 1c/3 cancerjanus February 17 2012, 05:15:26 UTC
Castiel, Gabriel, and Loki all drinking together is just full of hilarious outcomes and sayings. I laughed when Gabriel became the responsible one of the drinking group.


Sequel: Three Against Three Thousand 2a/3 purplemoon3 February 17 2012, 15:55:55 UTC
Note: The text in his section was brought to you by a mash up of entries from 'Texts from Last Night'. Also, Dean is a bad influence.


"Dean?" Sam Winchester asked, voice muffled from his pillow.

"I think I just got a drunk text from Cas."


"Check it. 'I feel like God wrote up a contract of my life, and I just signed off without reading the fine print. At this point, it's go big or go home.'"

"Oh. Shit. Call Bobby."

"On it."
---Castiel squinted at the main R&D branch of Niveus Pharmaceuticals which, to his eyes, was lit up like Vegas what with all the anti-angel warding sunk into it. Once they had known what to look for, spotting the den of devilry from space was easy as one of Dean's beloved slices of pie. It was like the Great Wall of Weird Shit. "Devious demons are devious ( ... )


Sequel: Three Against Three Thousand 2b/3 purplemoon3 February 17 2012, 16:00:47 UTC
When Tony's communicator went off and Captain America's voice rumbled out in appalled undertones of, "Avengers, assemble," Tony had expected something like Doctor Doom attacking an orphanage for lab subjects or something. He didn't expect a little girl, who according to Thor was not a little girl at all, to be attacking one of the few hold-outs in ground breaking medical research that Stark Industries had yet to gain a majority of shares. JARVIS uploaded the latest data feed and stock numbers, but for the life of him Iron Man couldn't figure out why any villain would march against Niveus. They specialized in influenza vaccinations, for Christ's sake, and it was in a large part due to their efforts that the pandemic of 1918 hadn't been repeated ( ... )


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