Round 14

May 01, 2013 21:40

ROUND 14 IS NOW CLOSED - new round will open on Wed. Aug 28, 2013
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round 14, prompt post

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[GEN] or Loki/Victor von Doom. Loki!whump. Angst. anonymous May 2 2013, 03:05:44 UTC
Okay, we all have seen stories where Loki after being brutalised becomes the responsibility of his family or someone from Avengers. I want it different ths time ( ... )


Re: Fill: Strange Bedfellows 12/? anonymous July 17 2013, 05:43:30 UTC
In time, Victor began to make sense of this behavior ( ... )


Re: Fill: Strange Bedfellows 13/? anonymous July 17 2013, 05:44:16 UTC
The briefest spark of mischief when Loki looked at Doom's world map, even before the mortifying incident where he had kissed him, was enough to keep Victor's hope alive ( ... )


Re: Fill: Strange Bedfellows 11/? anonymous July 17 2013, 05:45:28 UTC
Trigger warning: it's about to start getting darker. More mentions of non-con.


Re: Fill: Strange Bedfellows 11/? futakuchi_onna July 17 2013, 05:48:17 UTC
Yaay, there's already more. XD

Ah, it's still alright, but if you want to make sure, you can always reply to the prompt-post with new chapters.


Re: Fill: Strange Bedfellows 10/? futakuchi_onna July 17 2013, 05:42:55 UTC

I love Doom's clinical approach to everything and the reaction it causes, only to have irritating feelings and wishes for things he doesn't want to admit aloud.

Please, more? *hopeful puppy-eyes*


Re: Fill: Strange Bedfellows 10/? anonymous July 17 2013, 05:56:46 UTC
The last three were actually supposed to be one scene, but apparently there's a character limit!

So no more tonight. Maybe tomorrow...


Re: Fill: Strange Bedfellows 10/? futakuchi_onna July 17 2013, 06:11:55 UTC
Hehe, yes, the character limit is a frequent annoyance. XD

Oh, wow, you write fast.
A nice developement. It's great that he didn't force the issue, for various reasons. And the slower build-up is nice too.

*sets up camp*


Re: Fill: Strange Bedfellows 10/? anonymous July 17 2013, 07:07:35 UTC
I do like this very much. Please continue!!


Re: Fill: Strange Bedfellows 7/? anonymous July 16 2013, 06:40:29 UTC
Oh wow! This is so interesting. Finally Doom and Loki. This pairing clearly needs more attention! :)


Fill: Strange Bedfellows 14/? anonymous July 17 2013, 06:15:44 UTC
((I blame all of you for my present relapse into a horrible, horrible writing addiction ( ... )


Re: Fill: Strange Bedfellows 15/? anonymous July 17 2013, 06:40:27 UTC
On the tenth day, Victor realized he had almost completely forgotten his original objective ( ... )


Re: Fill: Strange Bedfellows 16/? anonymous July 17 2013, 06:56:02 UTC
It was difficult to disbelieve the way Loki whitened and stiffened when he saw the equipment, the way he pressed his back against the laboratory's cold metal wall to get away from it ( ... )


Re: Fill: Strange Bedfellows 16/? anonymous July 17 2013, 07:16:13 UTC
More please, I really really really want to find out what happens next!! This is so good!!


Re: Fill: Strange Bedfellows 16/? anonymous July 17 2013, 08:00:49 UTC
Can't wait for more! i love this!


Re: Fill: Strange Bedfellows 16/? anonymous July 17 2013, 12:57:03 UTC
I'm really enjoying this.


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