Prompt Post No. 1

May 04, 2011 02:47

Announcement: Norsekink Round 1 is now closed to new prompts!
Attention: All new and continuing fills for this round are to be posted in the Overflow Post, not in this round.

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round 01, prompt post

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In which a necessary amount of exposition occurs,and the author shamelessly messes with canon anonymous May 9 2011, 02:36:45 UTC
"So you've decided not to be evil anymore, huh?"

Loki sneers at Tony across the table, Tony smirks back at him.

"I was never evil, mortal, and I have changed nothing about myself ( ... )


OP anonymous May 9 2011, 03:17:38 UTC
I love you.

So much. <3


Re: In which a necessary amount of exposition occurs,and the author shamelessly messes with canon anonymous May 9 2011, 03:20:41 UTC
Bwhahahahahaa! Oh, this is brilliant! :D


Re: In which a necessary amount of exposition occurs,and the author shamelessly messes with canon anonymous May 9 2011, 05:53:46 UTC
I loved how you managed to keep Loki and Tony so in character in this. Is there going to be any more? Is greedy. :D


In which there is HET because it's Loki and also we meet the blondes of justice and puppy saving anonymous May 9 2011, 15:22:02 UTC
Loki makes a really excellent woman.

Warm and wet and tight and Tony is absolutely starting to come around to this shapeshifting thing.

"Damn you Stark is that all you've got."

Tony rucks up the icy blue lace and silk number to get a better grip on Loki's thigh, fucking into the body beneath him harder as Loki grunts out curses and insults. Loki doesn't even bother to change his voice when it's just the two of them like this and the smooth masculine tones coming out of the petite female form is kind of a turn on.

"That's it. Fuck, Stark ( ... )


Re: In which there is HET because it's Loki and also we meet the blondes of justice and puppy saving anonymous May 9 2011, 15:54:01 UTC
Oh man this is awesome. And I love Pepper.


Re: In which there is HET because it's Loki and also we meet the blondes of justice and puppy saving blackangelonero May 9 2011, 16:12:26 UTC
"oh hi this is Loki he's a shapeshifter he'll be my date tonight"
You want to kill me with your awesomness, admit it!! XD
please more


Re: In which there is HET because it's Loki and also we meet the blondes of justice and puppy saving fioletova May 9 2011, 23:00:52 UTC
This is so good so far, hope there would be more. To be honest, I'm really waiting for Thor's reaction to Tony/Loki thing :D


Re: In which there is HET because it's Loki and also we meet the blondes of justice and puppy saving kirai_slasher May 10 2011, 01:24:34 UTC
Oh yeah. This is awesome. I love you anon.


In which the boys are angsty but I swear it will get better. And also much love to commentors! :3 anonymous May 10 2011, 02:52:55 UTC
It isn't as if Tony and Loki intend to torment Steve and Thor.

Ok, it isn't as if Tony means to. With Loki it's harder to tell.

But both heroes are getting suspicious, and despite the clues still aren't likely to put two and two together to get four. And no one has ever denied Tony has a terrible sense of humor. And Loki is, well, Loki. The title sort of gives it away.

"Really, oh, subtle there."

Loki grins into Tony's neck, teeth just at the spot mostly-but-not-always covered by Tony's shirt, and twists his hand harder in Tony's hair.

"Are you complaining."

"Nope. Just gotta remember not to turn my head during the meeting."

"Then let us hope your Captain does not call on you to speak. You always preen for him like a…"

Tony cuts Loki off with a hand over his mouth. Loki freezes and their eyes lock for a moment. Footsteps pass by the alcove they're tucked into.

Then whoever it is goes by and they're back on each other, biting and kissing and groping.

"You're one to talk. Panting after your brother. What would Thor ( ... )


Re: In which the boys are angsty but I swear it will get better. And also much love to commentors! : anonymous May 10 2011, 02:58:11 UTC
Oooooooooooh this is great. They are so adorable/angsty together. I hope you continue lots and lots *g*


Re: In which the boys are angsty but I swear it will get better. And also much love to commentors! : kirai_slasher May 10 2011, 03:55:21 UTC
This is so great! They are a adorably angsty with each other.


Re: In which the boys are angsty but I swear it will get better. And also much love to commentors! : anonymous May 10 2011, 14:18:30 UTC
So fucking adorable. So fucking angsty. So fucking good.


Re: In which the boys are angsty but I swear it will get better. And also much love to commentors! : by_copacetic May 11 2011, 01:23:10 UTC

*is so excited*

*is tracking this so HARD*


In which Steve and Thor have words and the rest of the team hopefully enjoys soap operas. anonymous May 13 2011, 02:46:18 UTC
A/N: I'm working on the assumption that the first avengers line up is Thor, Cap, Iron Man, Hawkeye, Black Widow, then throwing in my own Loki. Bruce Banner is somewhere, not evil but not ready to be working with the Avengers yet. And yes I have elaborate headcanon for all the characters we are not gonna see but that is not relevant at this time ( ... )


Re: In which Steve and Thor have words and the rest of the team hopefully enjoys soap operas. oneiriad May 13 2011, 08:29:44 UTC
Just wanted to say I'm enjoying this fun little series :-)


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