Round 12

Sep 18, 2012 12:43


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round 12, prompt post

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Brokkr/Loki (non-con/dub con, stockholm syndrom) anonymous September 18 2012, 19:14:11 UTC
Foes of Asgard capture Loki and when he mouths off against them, they get Brokkr to sew his mouth shut. Brokkr is then given Loki as a prize for good service.

He takes out Loki's stitches after binding his magic, every intention of taking whatever pleasure he can get from possessing the prince of Asgard. Only he ends up falling for Loki.

Meanwhile, Odin comes clear to the Frost Giants about Loki and wants their help to get his son back. Though angry, Laufey also wants to save his son.

Non-con/dub-con okay if you want to go there. I just want some kidnapping trope fic ;)

Brokkr as I imagine him:


Where Innocence is burned in Flames. [Part 2/?] anonymous January 20 2013, 19:20:13 UTC
Time ran slowly ( ... )


Re: Where Innocence is burned in Flames. [Part 2/?] maxi1234 January 21 2013, 10:03:35 UTC
Wow, I really like the imagery here.

Hope there's more soon!


Re: Where Innocence is burned in Flames. [Part 2/?] jasoninna January 21 2013, 14:21:53 UTC
OMG! YES! Please, more.


Where Innocence is burned in Flames. [Part 3/?] anonymous March 19 2013, 18:07:11 UTC
He wanted to beg. For sleep. - The sound of screams and pleas of those tortured in front of him. - For death. - The feeling of his skin being touched by blood-stained hands and whispers telling him to look and remember. - For salvation. - Stop it, take off these shackles, set me free. Let me go. - But there were no words said ( ... )


Re: Where Innocence is burned in Flames. [Part 3/?] poweroffunk March 19 2013, 19:21:30 UTC
An update omggggggggggggggggg!!!


Re: Where Innocence is burned in Flames. [Part 3/?] paintmeviolent March 21 2013, 04:41:49 UTC
You cannot even imagine how your words are so similar to what I said when I finally posted it. Thank you.


Re: Where Innocence is burned in Flames. [Part 3/?] jasoninna March 19 2013, 22:15:24 UTC
Great update. I hope to read more soon.


Re: Where Innocence is burned in Flames. [Part 3/?] paintmeviolent March 21 2013, 04:40:06 UTC
I hope to post a part sooner than the last time.


Re: Where Innocence is burned in Flames. [Part 3/?] maxi1234 March 20 2013, 14:33:37 UTC
Argh why are the updates so short, this is so good.


Re: Where Innocence is burned in Flames. [Part 3/?] paintmeviolent March 21 2013, 04:38:23 UTC
I'm really sorry that the updates are so miniature, but life is unfair and it keeps throwing at me more and more exams. Once the summer rolls around they would be longer, I promise.


Re: Where Innocence is burned in Flames. [Part 3/?] anonymous May 28 2013, 04:29:09 UTC
Eagerly awaiting moar! Please keep going anon... :D


Re: Where Innocence is burned in Flames. [Part 2/?] anonymous March 19 2013, 18:19:19 UTC
It is so amesome!


Re: Where Innocence is burned in Flames. [Part 2/?] anonymous March 20 2013, 12:31:41 UTC
It is quite intense, and I hope we'll see some good old Stockholm Syndrome.


Re: Where Innocence is burned in Flames. [Part 1a/?] jade_mushroom January 29 2013, 02:35:39 UTC


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