Round 12

Sep 18, 2012 12:43


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round 12, prompt post

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Comments 5205

[Gen] Loki knows when Thor has been injured anonymous September 18 2012, 18:25:51 UTC
I've read a lot of fic about Thor being mortally wounded when all of a sudden Loki appears, kills everyone, and then heals Thor. I love that trope but would love to see something different.
Give me angst: Maybe Loki thought that he would always know if Thor were wounded or died, but he didn't.
Crack is wonderful: The spell Loki uses to monitor Thor's health isn't perfect and regularly goes off leaving Loki to appear, panicked, at random points in Thor's life.
Sappy is also good: Maybe Thor knows that Loki monitors his health and so will severely wound himself so that he can talk to Loki when he arrives.


[Fill] Loki Knows when Thor is Injured [1/6] [character death] anonymous September 22 2012, 01:42:54 UTC
(Some of these are shorter, some are longer, some are humor, some are angst.)

Loki realized very quickly he needed to modify the spell when he appeared in the middle of Sif’s bedchambers to the sight of his brother’s mostly naked body doing…things he rather wished he could unsee. (He made a note to begin work on that spell immediately.)

Luckily Loki managed to teleport back to his laboratory without Sif or Thor’s notice.

After a few minutes quietly gagging and banging his head against his desk in a futile attempt to undo his emotional trauma, Loki gave up and opened his leather bound notebook.

(Trial One: It appears that Thor’s spell of protection must be contingent on more than the rate of his heart. Other factors of physical distress must be taken into consideration to ensure that Thor is actually in danger.

On a related note, I have begun work on a brain-scouring spell that holds much promise. {Never. Again.})


[Fill] Loki Knows when Thor is Injured [1/6] [character death] anonymous September 22 2012, 01:44:02 UTC
(Some of these are shorter, some are longer, some are humor, some are angst.)

Loki realized very quickly he needed to modify the spell when he appeared in the middle of Sif’s bedchambers to the sight of his brother’s mostly naked body doing…things he rather wished he could unsee. (He made a note to begin work on that spell immediately.)

Luckily Loki managed to teleport back to his laboratory without Sif or Thor’s notice.

After a few minutes quietly gagging and banging his head against his desk in a futile attempt to undo his emotional trauma, Loki gave up and opened his leather bound notebook.

(Trial One: It appears that Thor’s spell of protection must be contingent on more than the rate of his heart. Other factors of physical distress must be taken into consideration to ensure that Thor is actually in danger.

On a related note, I have begun work on a brain-scouring spell that holds much promise. {Never. Again.})


[Fill] Loki Knows when Thor is Injured [2/6] [character death] anonymous September 22 2012, 15:15:41 UTC
The next attempt was more accurate, albeit…overly effective. And more difficult to explain away, as Loki appeared in the middle of the training arena just as Thor was raising Mjolnir to deliver the winning blow ( ... )


[GEN] or Loki/Any. Virgin, craving contact, scared, doesn't end in sex. anonymous September 18 2012, 18:30:25 UTC
At times, Loki's scheming mask slips and he reaches out for contact, the smell and softness of other people. Loki is a virgin going through his first heat. Outside, he is composed and his usual sly self, but he hides himself away on his room more and more to keep control, curled on his bed with his hand between his legs. He is wanton but shy, confused, scared and doesn't know what to do. He doesn't think he can tell anyone, and buckles down to handle it himself. On the outset he still maintains his mischievousness and aloofness ( ... )


Re: [GEN] or Loki/Any. Virgin, craving contact, scared, doesn't end in sex. anonymous September 22 2012, 18:08:10 UTC
This is so sweet, I think I love it :)


Re: [GEN] or Loki/Any. Virgin, craving contact, scared, doesn't end in sex. anonymous October 3 2012, 04:36:28 UTC
Oh, I want this!


Re: [GEN] or Loki/Any. Virgin, craving contact, scared, doesn't end in sex. anonymous October 5 2012, 14:48:33 UTC
Because I've yet to fully flesh out an in-character tale of titillation with this prompt, for your viewing pleasure in the interim:


Random Villain/Loki, Abusive Relationship, Non-con, Protective Fury or Coulson anonymous September 18 2012, 18:41:51 UTC
Basically I want a reformed Loki, possibly an Avenger or just a normal S.H.I.E.L.D agent, meeting a former ally in the street, this could be any villain, possibly Carnage, Namor or Magneto but preferrably not Doom ( ... )


Re: Random Villain/Loki, Abusive Relationship, Non-con, Protective Fury or Coulson anonymous September 19 2012, 08:48:08 UTC
Yes, I Like it. Seconded!


Re: Random Villain/Loki, Abusive Relationship, Non-con, Protective Fury or Coulson anonymous September 19 2012, 11:55:08 UTC
Even though Thunderfrost is my OPT, I'd KILL to see Nick Fury saying "he's a motherfucking lunatic, but he's MY motherfucking lunatic!"


Re: Random Villain/Loki, Abusive Relationship, Non-con, Protective Fury or Coulson part 1 anonymous October 13 2012, 20:45:05 UTC
This is a Self-Fill ( ... )


GEN (or het) - Loki, one other character - character death anonymous September 18 2012, 18:48:24 UTC
Asgard is dead and empty. Only two people are left alive. Loki is responsible; he hadn’t meant for this to happen, he hadn’t meant for this to happen, but it happened, and it’s his fault. The other person knows they should kill him for all that he’s done, but they just can’t bring themselves to do it. Because everyone but them is dead. Gone. They’re the only ones left of their kind.

Bonus points for Sif. No ships please, unless it’s Sif (or another female character).


[Fill] [Loki/Sif] Incarnation [character death] [1/2] anonymous September 20 2012, 07:12:00 UTC
This cycle is different. It starts differently, ends differently. Asgard is in ashes, and though it's nothing new, it's not what he intended. It never is, though ( ... )


[Fill] [Loki/Sif] Incarnation [character death] [2/2] anonymous September 20 2012, 07:13:03 UTC
The first snow falls light as a lover's kiss, pooling in her hair to frost the dark strands stiff with ice. At the first touch of it, his skin goes a deep, craggy blue, but he's too busy maintaining the witch fire to give a damn what she thinks about the Frost Giant she's been fucking. The fire scalds his blue skin and he pulls his bedroll deeper into the shadows, but she follows, voracious. Her wetness leaves slick smears across his belly that pull and crackle when he wakes alone; it's frozen to his skin. She glares at him over the fire defiantly ( ... )


Re: [Fill] [Loki/Sif] Incarnation [character death] [2/2] anonymous September 20 2012, 08:30:53 UTC
This is strange and beautiful and tragic. Very evocative.


Thor/One of the Warriors 3, First kiss or first time with a guy anonymous September 18 2012, 18:52:16 UTC
I don't care how and don't care who you choose, just give me Fandral/Thor, Volstagg/Thor, OR Hogunn/Thor PLEASE ;_;

- Sif thinks it's hilarious


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