Round 12

Sep 18, 2012 12:43


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round 12, prompt post

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Loki, Thor, Loki isn't a real boy (magical Golemn!Loki) anonymous November 7 2012, 23:24:03 UTC
Loki isn't Thor's brother. He's not even a real boy! Odin and Frigga wouldn't let little Thor play with other children (maybe there was an assassination attempt on the prince when he was little or they can't seem to be favoring some families over others or maybe little kids just can't be trusted to follow court protocol and it would all end in beheadings and tears, IDEK).

Because Thor seems lonely Odin and Frigga commission the dwarfs to create a magical golemn to be his companion. Golemn!Loki is Thor's closest friend and confidant, but of course things can't last. Thor grows up and finally manages to make some flesh and blood friends and Loki doesn't feel like he can compete.

I can honestly think of a dozen directions you could go from there, but I'm curious what other people will come up with.


Re: Loki, Thor, Loki isn't a real boy (magical Golemn!Loki) gekkoryu January 9 2013, 00:16:22 UTC
Not done with the next big part, but look! It's a mini!


UPDATE gekkoryu January 27 2013, 05:36:49 UTC
Just wanted to give everyone an update.

Still writing, I've actually got a couple chapters "written", but every time I look at them it feels like something is missing. I don't want to post a chapter only to completely overhaul it because it's not working.

I promise this verse will be completed. If all goes to plan I will have a beginning I'm satisfied with by the end of the week. Cross your fingers.

By the way, this verse is pushing 30,000 words now (just in case you were curious)


Re: Loki, Thor, Loki isn't a real boy (magical Golemn!Loki) gekkoryu February 6 2013, 16:42:14 UTC
Oh hey look, I'm still alive.


Re: Loki, Thor, Loki isn't a real boy (magical Golemn!Loki) gekkoryu March 10 2013, 19:50:53 UTC
Re: Loki, Thor, Loki isn't a real boy (magical Golemn!Loki) gekkoryu April 25 2013, 21:48:28 UTC
Re: Loki, Thor, Loki isn't a real boy (magical Golemn!Loki) gekkoryu May 20 2013, 00:07:17 UTC
There have been a couple updates since the last one I posted here. Does anyone watch this for notifications? I think I'm going to only post updates on the fill list from now on.


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