Round 12

Sep 18, 2012 12:43


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round 12, prompt post

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Comments 5205

[Gen]Loki, Darcy, Clint - Tazer Toting Niece (Crossover with Avengers) cancerjanus September 18 2012, 17:00:53 UTC
Spoilers ( ... )


Re: [Gen]Loki, Darcy, Clint - Tazer Toting Niece (Crossover with Avengers) vixen_uchiha November 26 2012, 06:03:59 UTC
Doesn't thor have like 5 or 6 kids he is a fertility god after all


Re: [Gen]Loki, Darcy, Clint - Tazer Toting Niece (Crossover with Avengers) cancerjanus November 26 2012, 06:18:51 UTC
Mythology wise yes, Thor does have a few children since he such a virile God.

For this prompt however, Thor has yet to have any children(besides Darcy since magical birth-control failure happened) due to political reasons and the use of magical birth-control.


Re: [Gen]Loki, Darcy, Clint - Tazer Toting Niece (Crossover with Avengers) aldernavy October 24 2015, 01:43:37 UTC
Or Odin took care of it


[GEN] Loki, Thor. TW: Eating Disorder. toymaking September 18 2012, 17:06:21 UTC
Loki notices he gets fewer hugs and companionable pats from everybody. Thor doesn't touch him as much, even when they spar. This is due to Loki's weight. He's too bony for comfortable hugs, it feels like holding a sick person or a skeleton. Loki had always been lean but still sleek with muscle, but he has become even thinner now. Maybe his magic just drains his body to the point he doesn't eat all that much or even if he does eat the magic causes him to lose weight quickly. Or he feels better when he doesn't eat, his mind clearer. Loki knows he gets looks from people, and all physical contact has dropped off.

From here:
- Loki could think he's fat and lose more weight, or that his body looks weird somehow and tries to exercise more, in the hopes people will stop grimacing at his touch.
- Thor can try and fatten him up some, maybe even in secret.
- Frigga and Odin worry and try to get in on Thor's plan to take care of Loki and try to get him to eat.
- Happy ending!


Re: [GEN] Loki, Thor. TW: Eating Disorder. toymaking October 8 2012, 22:15:40 UTC
Ohhhhh, this sounds so good! I want it so much!


Re: [GEN] Loki, Thor. TW: Eating Disorder. toymaking January 6 2013, 06:36:29 UTC
Ooooooh I want this real bad.


[crossover/fusion, Silence of the Lambs] picture prompt, TW gore, cannibalism, horror semiseverus September 18 2012, 17:25:43 UTC
This. ANYTHING with this.

Some ideas:
- Odin is creepy as fuck when he's younger, just like Loki. He eventually hangs himself from Yggdrasil and comes out of it a wiser, saner man, but the madness is hereditary. (Odin/intersex!Laufey)
- Hannibal is one of Loki's children. He read the story about Loki eating someone's heart and became obsessed with it.
- Horror story where Loki somehow infects Odin with his creepy-as-fuck madness and a taste for Midgardian flesh.


Re: [crossover/fusion, Silence of the Lambs] picture prompt, TW gore, cannibalism, horror semiseverus September 18 2012, 17:43:57 UTC

Seconding a fusion of the first and second ideas.


Re: [crossover/fusion, Silence of the Lambs] picture prompt, TW gore, cannibalism, horror phospholarize September 20 2012, 16:08:25 UTC
Seconding for that first one.


[Fill] White Mountain [Laufey/Odin] TW: gore, horror, character death(s), child abuse [Part 1a] semiseverus October 6 2012, 23:04:42 UTC
This... will take a while. Anon apologises.

This will also be a good mishmash of Tolkien (Feanor and Silmarilli), history abuse (Yuan dynasty, Kublai Khan), random sci-fi novels (Jotunheim climate has to come from somewhere!) and god only knows what else. Oh and, if it's not obvious from the title, Brokeback Mountain too. I'm not even going to mention all the mythology abuse I'm obviously planning to commit.


Also, the only Hannibal novel I actually read was Hannibal Rising. So that too, I suppose.


Asgard doesn’t have such fluctuations with the weather. When the sun shines, it shines. When the rain falls, Thor is somehow to blame for it. At least, as of late. Ever since he was born, it seemed as though the very clouds are attuned to the princeling’s mood. Ever since... the fall, it seems to be raining. Over and over again ( ... )


anonymous September 18 2012, 17:51:11 UTC
Loki hasn't been eating well and his metabolism has slowed in proportion to his increased appetite. After his restrained eating, he flips and overeats voraciously, sucking on the bones of seasoned meats and licking the juices from his fingers. Loki binges until it hurts to move. No one even thinks to stop him because he's usually so slender anyway, but soon enough, his starved body clings onto the food. He gets chubbier and a lot of the weight goes straight to his butt and hips.

Hardly anyone bats an eyelid even though Loki has a silent insecure fit. Someone appreciates the meat on his bones, he looks healthier and younger with flushed cheeks. Can be pairing fic, or gen, set in Asgard or after the Avengers.


Loki/Any, Weight Gain, tw eating disorder anonymous September 18 2012, 17:59:13 UTC
Ha, forgot the header. Also, make sure Thor is a great/fancy chef! Because I don't see Loki being one at all, beyond cooking essentials.


anonymous October 14 2012, 05:16:25 UTC
Oh, me gusta!


Eric get's a cold anonymous September 18 2012, 18:22:29 UTC
Anon has just moved out from her parents house, and after just one week, she got a horrible cold and is generally feeling terrible. And Anon also thinks it's way to little Eric in this kinkmeme. Result? This prompt.

After the events of the Avengers, Eric gets a few well deserved days off from SHIELD, and he goes home to an empty apartment/Hotel-room. And then he wakes up with a cold. His throat is thick his nose is running and anything gives him a headache. And not one person is around to even hand him a package of tissues or making him a cup of tea.

Meanwhile, Jean and/or Darcy have been informed about the events of the Avengers, and Eric role in it (maybe they saw some footage from the battle and recognised him? I dunno) and goes to his place to make sure his all right. And finds a truly miserable Eric. Cue the fluff and comforts.

I'd prefer for this to stay in the father/daughter or the Friendship zone, but I'd leave it up to you anons.

Boy this turned out longer than I expected. ^^;


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