Round 12

Sep 18, 2012 12:43


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[Fill] White Mountain [Laufey/Odin] TW: gore, horror, character death(s), child abuse [Part 1a] anonymous October 6 2012, 23:04:42 UTC
This... will take a while. Anon apologises.

This will also be a good mishmash of Tolkien (Feanor and Silmarilli), history abuse (Yuan dynasty, Kublai Khan), random sci-fi novels (Jotunheim climate has to come from somewhere!) and god only knows what else. Oh and, if it's not obvious from the title, Brokeback Mountain too. I'm not even going to mention all the mythology abuse I'm obviously planning to commit.


Also, the only Hannibal novel I actually read was Hannibal Rising. So that too, I suppose.


Asgard doesn’t have such fluctuations with the weather. When the sun shines, it shines. When the rain falls, Thor is somehow to blame for it. At least, as of late. Ever since he was born, it seemed as though the very clouds are attuned to the princeling’s mood. Ever since... the fall, it seems to be raining. Over and over again.

Jotunheim is nothing alike. Jotunheim is one big storm cut with the most extreme, erratic weather changes, wind so cold it freezes the air it touches, only stopped by the sun which, the moment it appears on the sky, it’s as though it sets the ground on fire.

Except, Jotunheim fires are nowhere nearly as deadly as the Asgardian ones are. Whatever it is that burns, the Jotun surely dislike it. An Aesir should fear the cracks and rock tumble a lot more than the pale blue flame.

There are a few places that could be considered humane. The capital, with its palace, the North and South poles, which are simply too cold for anything to change there in any way. And the White Mountain.

There are several smaller locations, surely. Villages forming within cliffs or massive caves, fishing enclaves near the bodies of water that are few and far between. Water to the Jotun, but poison to the Aesir. It would freeze you from the inside, every Asgardian soldier knows that.

The trade is possible only in rare occasions, when the conditions allow it, prices marked up due to the risk. Two deadliest positions to hold in Jotunheim -- a travelling merchant and a soldier. Except soldiers only have to fear the war. The merchants are forever surrounded by the elements.

It is really no wonder that the Jotnar know their magic. Here, it means the difference between life and death.

Dreadful place, Jotunheim.

Odin knows it was sheer luck that, on that fateful day, he found himself right here.

Back then, Odin didn’t think that much.


It is a known fact that, when Odin was born, he was filled with such a fire that Queen Bestla had nothing else to do but perish in the flame. King Borr never forgave his son that.

It is also known that, ever since he was little, Odin filled all his tutors with awe. And fear, but they never dared tell their King that.

Odin doesn’t have any friends. He would have, if the Queen were still alive. His father always tells him that. His father wished for many children, sons and daughters to fill the gardens with laughter and child’s play.

Instead, Odin plays alone. He talks with people from the books, fights them, laughs with them at first. Shares his adventures with the tutors, who are first surprise, but don’t see anything wrong with it. Child’s imagination, they say. The King replaces them promptly, for those whose faces are much meaner, who warn Odin to stop with his childish ways.

So Odin stops. He still hears the voices, sees the faces, but he looks away. Even as, through the years, they become all the more demanding with their demands to be met. They just wish to be real. Every time Odin gets a new tutor, less he looks over his shoulder. Less he sleeps at night because not even the dreams are safe.

As time goes by, he learns to live with things he knows he better not tell anyone. It’s just a fact of life.

His newer tutors are less impressed with him. More worried. But they don’t confide with the King.


Re: [Fill] White Mountain [Laufey/Odin] TW: gore, horror, character death(s), child abuse [Part 1b] anonymous October 6 2012, 23:08:36 UTC

Odin can barely hold his sword when he first goes to battle. Asgard-Vanir war, started when that bitch Gullveig tried to kill the King. Borr quickly disarmed her, ordered the guards to hang her from the wall and made his son use her as target practice.

Odin was never good with the spear and her death was long and painful, her cries ear splitting, breaking the resolve with the Vanir, who were always jealous of the Aesir supremacy.

They blame Odin. They want his head. Both their heads, the King and his crazy son. It confuses Odin why they should blame him. The things in Asgard are the way they are -- the Aesir rule and the Vanir follow. Nobody should question that.

Odin can barely hold his sword right, but he spills a lot of blood. Vanir blood, at least. The headcount makes him proud by the end of every day. And it makes it all the sweeter to wake up the next morning, when his father orders the men drink in Odin’s name. Drink the night away.

The smell of blood makes those voices go away, makes their faces fade. Odin sleeps like a baby each night, without a single worry on his mind. Without guilt.

Needless to say, the war doesn’t last long. The Vanir should better learn their proper place this time. Even though by the end of it, Odin hopes they don’t.

He really does.


“What shall I do with you?” Borr’s tone can still shake Odin’s very bones. His father is a big man, always has been. Odin still has many years to fill his shoulders. Regardless of the war, of all the battles.

“He deserved it,” Odin spits. He can still taste the bitterness of warm blood filling the dry earth. Oslak deserved it. He did. “He insulted your name.” He was also drunk as a horse, but that is no excuse.

To Oslak at least.

Borr makes a sound, a dismissive sort of a snort. His lips curl a little and Odin knows this will not be good. “When did I allow you fight my battles?” the King says.

Odin wants to snarl, but he keeps it to himself. Even after all these years, he still fears his father. And he has a very good reason to. “It will be mine one of these--” The words get choked in Odin’s throat as his father squeezes his arms around his neck, pushes him into the wall.

Famed warrior, strong leader, a proud son. Odin could be all of that but he knows he can’t fight back. Not when he sees all that bloodthirst in Borr’s eyes.

Borr doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t have to. It’s Odin who manages to squeak out a plea before his father practically shakes him off and starts laughing.

“Take him to cool off,” he orders a his soldiers while walking away. All Odin can see is his father’s red cape and a dismissive wave of that hand that had been taking the very air from him seconds ago. “There’s surely Midgardians stupid enough for him to kill.”


Re: [Fill] White Mountain [Laufey/Odin] TW: gore, horror, character death(s), child abuse [Part 1c] anonymous October 6 2012, 23:09:19 UTC

It’s the dead of the night here, wherever here in Midgard is. Odin can hear the horses at first, snorting and neighing with displeasure. It takes these men a few seconds to surround him and Odin pulls out his sword, quickly slashes one from head to toe while pushing the other away with his foot.

These are no fools but fully armed soldiers. Odin gives them quite a workout, but in the end he succumbs. A god he may be to these fools, but not even he can kill hundreds all alone. Unprepared and still bruised from his father’s fit of rage.

He might bother more, but in the end he knows all too well (from experience, even) that his father never sends him anywhere that might pose actual danger to his life. Having an heir, no matter how displeasing and horrible, is politically a lot more sound than having none.

And cold as his father might be, Odin knows he loved Bestla. It’s hard to imagine it, but Odin knows.

They drag him, through the soft, wet grass and dirt, all the way to the tent that seems to belong to their commander. From that little Odin could hear, a few orders hissed here and there, he can understand the language. At least there’s that.

Last time, his father ordered him dumped in the middle of some island where he couldn’t understand a single word. Odin opted for killing them all, men, women and children, before they could think of any retribution.

It felt good. It still angered him beyond belief that he couldn’t understand their pleas.

The man they were dragging him to see, their commander, finally walks out of the tent. The only one whose face Odin bothers looking at, and he realises just how different he must look from the rest of them, pale faced and blond. These people, this Midgardian has strange, narrow eyes and tanned skin. That much Odin can see from the light of the torches.

All the men kneel and bow their heads. All except the two holding Odin, and he actually thinks about fighting them off, killing this despicable being. Warlords always give the best of fights.

One of the men hits Odin over the head hard with the hilt of his sword. His head falls down with a grunt.

“Great Khan,” one of the soldiers say. “He just appeared from nowhere.”

Great Khan laughs and Odin forces his head to lift in spite the pain. “I never thought I’d see it,” he says, his voice deep and levelled. “Borr’s son. On his knees.”

Odin pales. Great Khan laughs.


Re: [Fill] White Mountain [Laufey/Odin] TW: gore, horror, character death(s), child abuse [Part 1c] derawr October 6 2012, 23:50:05 UTC
Interesting start! I can't wait to see more!

Borr's treatment of Odin is kind of making me tilt my head and consider Odin's parenting style and how you might write it. In other words, I am really very eager to see your take on it.

And...great Khan? as in Genghis Khan? Or maybe just any old Khan? That is curious.


Re: [Fill] White Mountain [Laufey/Odin] TW: gore, horror, character death(s), child abuse [Part 1c] anonymous October 7 2012, 12:12:09 UTC
(Let's see if I can respond to this attempt 8037492342. *kicks stupid LJ*)

Thank you! I've no idea where I'm going with this story, but I hope I do get there. :D


Re: [Fill] White Mountain [Laufey/Odin] TW: gore, horror, character death(s), child abuse [Part 1a] semiseverus October 8 2012, 05:46:02 UTC

Unfortunately I'm on vacation right now so I don't have internet access except at night and I have to use that time to do school stuff, and I'm about to faceplant into my laptop from lack of sleep. So I won't be able to read this for another two weeks most likely. GODDAMMIT.

But I am super excited for this and will read it asap! Thank you so much for filling!! :D


Re: [Fill] White Mountain [Laufey/Odin] TW: gore, horror, character death(s), child abuse [Part 1a] anonymous October 8 2012, 18:04:04 UTC

I really hope I manage to finish it by then.

*sigh* This story has no head, no tail, and definitely a mind of its own. *gives it a sidelong glance and thinks of adding incest and zoophilia to the warnings list* Um. Yeah.


Re: [Fill] White Mountain [Laufey/Odin] TW: gore, horror, character death(s), child abuse [Part 1a] semiseverus October 24 2012, 03:18:00 UTC
I'm back and just read the first part! So excited for the rest of it. :D No rush though, I'm probably the slowest writer in existence myself.

And um... I'm definitely good with incest and zoophilia sneaking in there. o.o;


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