Simoun fanmixes

Jun 22, 2010 22:16

This is an answer to this topic about fanmixes, posted here because of its size.

I've almost done the art for a Neviril/Aaeru one, but don't have enough songs for the moment. 
I've chosen the most representative lyrics, but sometimes the whole song fits perfectly.

The series, Yun, Mamiina, Rodoreamon, Neviril, Aaeru, Floe )

fanmix, simoun, music

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Comments 21

chibirachy June 22 2010, 20:39:10 UTC
Oh but I love you for doing this!

(Also, I was reading through the list and my mp3 player was playing on shuffle and I was listening to Not Gonna Get Us... I started cracking up when I saw you'd used it for the Ri Majon!)

Just reading through these lyrics, a lot of them fit so very well, it's creepy. I need to look up the songs on Youtube. I think what I'd like to do is create one mix for Aaeru/Neviril and then one mix that has a song for each Sibylla and then some for the chor. Obviously you've found so many songs and would get most of the credit, but wow... imagine putting together a fanmix, getting the songs, and creating a CD project for each.

...I need to pay closer attention to my music to see if I can find anymore XD


norodenn June 22 2010, 20:45:51 UTC
You'd better like me for this, because I'm not doing it again. u_u

(But it's such an awesome song ! In fact, I hacked your mp3 player to choose this one. Because I can.)

I really wanted to put the links to Youtube (or Sendspace in one case), but LJ isn't with me tonight. Even the link to your post didn't work.

I was planning to do this project all along... XD
I need to ask melengro, oneplusme, rosenmaiden and of course you before I add their songs to the mix. The problem with mine is that since I listen to very different styles, they don't always get fine together. With the help of the Simoun Community, I think it will be easier.


chibirachy June 22 2010, 21:14:39 UTC
Aww you want me to do a fic to show my love for it? I will. I have a new request thread up. And yes, I'm 100% serious.

(It is an awesome song. You're such a bad hacker though!)

Do you want me to go through your post and find the songs on youtube? I can make a response for you so that you don't have to worry with it. It wouldn't take me long to do it. I wanted to listen to the songs anyway.

You planning the project was what propelled me to ask the community. I don't think any of them would mind if you added them in. I'm always willing to help you with it if you need it so feel free to ask. I would like to take what was posted and see about getting the songs so I can make a Simoun playlist on my mp3 player.

As for your issues with your text being deleted, do you use firefox for your browser? If you do, there's this wonderful tool you can get that saves text as you type. It's saved me a bunch of times and since it stores text, I can go back and search for it months later.


norodenn June 22 2010, 21:32:28 UTC
I've seen the thread, but unfortunately I don't have any idea right now. Maybe tomorrow.

(*sigh* So true.)

Well, I'll be very happy if you'll do that for me. =)

The song Hymn of the Sky can be found here :
To get songs from Youtube, see there :
(I can't remember if I've already given you this link, so...)

I used to use Firefox, but it's too slow now for my computer, and I'm back to Opera. But that won't help, because I've saved the text (on the wordpad), but when I hit the 'post' button the links just... disappear from the text. Yeah, I don't know either.


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