vivant_sur_vole wrote in
Dec 16, 2005 00:29
hi, i just joined and i was thinking until you organize another swap....we could just ask people within the group to swap....that way we don't get paired to people we already music is the best music.
just an idear...
so..i guess lemme know for swappin madness!
scatterheart__ wrote in
Nov 10, 2004 17:01
the next mix cd swap will be sometime in late january or early february, unless someone else wants to run the community until then. lemme know.
doesitmakemebad wrote in
Nov 04, 2004 20:16
daisykitty . . . I tried to email you to get your address and the email was returned. Email me doesthatmakemebad(AT)yahoo(dot)com with your address and I'll get your cd out in the mail.
soonertoby wrote in
Nov 04, 2004 16:21
I haven't heard from you about the swap. The deadline's tomorrow, your CD's finished and I need to know where to send it. Or, whoever traded with him last time, if you have the addy, can you email it to me at tobyalan13 AT hotmail DOT com (but without spaces and with the @ and . )
scatterheart__ wrote in
Oct 30, 2004 12:43
i'm extending the mixtape deadline to this FRIDAY, november 5. hope that's okay with you guys. this week has been crazy.
scatterheart__ wrote in
Oct 20, 2004 20:11
the theme this time is: songs you don't think people have heard, but that they should hear.
scatterheart__ wrote in
Oct 20, 2004 16:41
hey everyone,
two things:
if you're sad because you didn't get a mix cd and you haven't worked out a way to get it from your trading buddy person, then e-mail me at sheeva @ and i'll see what i can do.
also, the new mixtape trade people are posted in a friends-only post right before this one. postmark deadline is november 1.