Master list of Snape/any past or present Death Eater male (excluding LV, LM, DM, IK and RB)

Jul 26, 2007 03:10

Master list of Snape/any past or present Death Eater male (including, but not limited to: Rosier, Avery, Wilkes, the LeStrange brothers, Dolohov, Macnair, Crabbe Sr., Goyle Sr., Crouch Jr., Rookwood, Mulciber, Pettigrew, and Greyback)

This list is for any fic/art that slashes Snape with: Rosier, Avery, Wilkes, the LeStrange brothers, Dolohov, Macnair, Crouch Jr., Rookwood, Mulciber, Pettigrew, Greyback, random DEs whose names I've forgotten, or any permutation thereof. I thought about just making it the "Junior DE League", but what the hell. Also not sure if Fenrir's supposed to be marked or what, but throwing him in because it's my secret freak!OTP.

Since they have their own master lists, this list is not for art/fics which only include: Snape/Lucius (f-locked now for some reason?), Snape/Draco, Snape/Regulus, Snape/Voldemort or Tom Riddle (also here), or Snape/Karkaroff.

For each fic I've tried to provide along with the title and author name the pairing(s), rating, warnings, and a short summary if given by the author (in double quotes), as well as length information when available (word count, or in KBs). My own comments, if there are any, follow the double slashes (//). Titles are listed in alphabetical order according to the first letter of the title (even if the first word is "a" or "the").

I link only to unflocked LJ entries or webpages that do not require any kind of password. When I notice a request from authors/archivers, I link to the warning/central page, rather than the specific story.

When listing pairings, I've mostly used the conventional two-letter initials (e.g. ER = Evan Rosier). However there are some exceptions:
Barty Crouch, Jr. = BCJr
Rabastan Lestrange = RaL
Rodolphus Lestrange = RoL
Pettigrew, Wilkes, Avery, Dolohov, Macnair, Rookwood, and Mulciber will be listed by their last name, then you've got Crabbe Sr. and Goyle Sr..
When more than 4 people are involved, I might just list it as SS/various, unless the author gives the specifics.

Fics and Ficlets

* Alone, Together by rexluscus (SS/Pettigrew; NC-17 with warnings for "wanking" and "nipples"; 540 words) - "Their rooms are side by side." [Compiled with other ficlets in Seven Ways It Might Have Happened.]

* Be Honest by amor_remanet (SS/BCJr, with insinuations of SB/RL and RL/BCJr; "PG-13 for questionable language and upside-down Death Eater snogging"; 2,985 words) - "After the incidents of the Third Task, Snape is set to guard his old lover until the Minister can come for confirmation."

* Bullied by charlotteschaos (SS/Pettigrew; R; 1,633 words) - "Bully or be bullied; a perspective on how Peter became a Death Eater."

* Caught in the Act by ellid (SS/ER; NC-17 with warning for "stereotyping, bigotry on the part of several confused teenagers, and references to cross-dressing"; ~1,630 words) - "Summary: It's hard being a teenager and gay. Especially when the prefect is a hypocritical prude."

* Clandestine by Chaos Rose (SS/LM, SS/ER; R/NC-17; 4,898 words) - "Angst and Sex. Marauder era. Sixteen-year-old Severus and twenty-year-old Lucius are forced to sneak around. Takes place in my 'Algolagnia' universe, but this story can stand alone. NOTES: Part of the Severus Snape Fuh-Q Fest in response to Rachel Carper's three word challenge of - gambit, vigorous, taxing."

* Convenience by rexluscus (SS/Pettigrew; R for "implied buttsex"; 518 words) - "Two blokes helping each other out." [Compiled with other ficlets in Seven Ways It Might Have Happened.]

* Crouching Under the Mistletoe by Marie Goos (SS/BCJr; PG; 609 words) - "Severus is grumpy around the Holidays, as usual. On Christmas Eve he finds himself in the library, underneath a repulsive piece of mistletoe and being bothered by Barty Crouch Jr. Things don't turn out quite the way he expected. Just a short little story."

* Crownless by Lady Feylene (SS/Pettigrew; rated "T"/PG-13; 5,268 words) - "Peter reflects on the events which led him to his present fate." [Also available here.]

* Educating Barty by by_starkiller (BCJr/LM/SS; NC17 with the following kinks: urtication, threeway, bondage; 2,573 words) - "Lucius and Severus take it upon themselves to educate Barty Jr."

* Even by rexluscus (SS/Pettigrew; NC-17 with warnings for non-con, "dark, pervy and wrong"; 572 words) "Peter is sick of it." [Compiled with other ficlets in Seven Ways It Might Have Happened.]

* First Time by blackletter (SS/various death eaters; R with a warning for violence; 581 words) - "Snape's friends help arrange his first time."

* Hell Is Murky by Darkrose (SS/Macnair, some SS/LM; NC-17 with warnings for "rape, torture, graphic violence"; 2,880 words) - "Lucius finally pushes his lover too far, setting in motion the chain of events leading to Snape's defection to the Light. NOTES: Part of the Severus Snape Fuh-Q Fest - Easy Pairing Snape/Macnair."

* Husks by Riley (SS/BCJr; rated "T"; 1,245) - "After Crouch receives the Dementor's Kiss, Snape reflects on their relationship, with Moody a silent witness." [Also available here.]

* In Academia [link to first part] by Sushi (explicit SS/LM, SS/SB, SS/Pettigrew, SS/Avery, SS/LV; non-explicit SS/TR, SS/RL; implied SS/JP, SS/OMC, SS/OFC, SS/LE; NC-17 altogether, with warnings for "rape, graphic torture, mind control, manipulation, student death, gore, bigotry, dubious mental stability, a genuinely cruel and dangerous Snape"; ~443KB) - "Prefect. Top student. Quidditch captain. Student Lord of Slytherin House. Severus Snape's expectations for his seventh year at Hogwarts are great beyond the dreams of avarice. Some people, however, have other ideas. Response to Easy Pairing Number 23: Snape/Avery AND Scenario Number 32: Hogwarts holds some sort of quiz/comp/gameshow. How competitive is Snape, and who is his rival? What will he do to make sure he wins?" [Also available here.]

* In the Time Between by Chaos Rose (SS/ER; R/NC-17; 3,005 words) - "Five years after the deaths of Evan Rosier and Charles Wilkes, Severus comes to terms. Memories, introspection, angst, and a one-sided conversation on a summer morning. Part of the 'Algolagnia/End of Days' universe. NOTES: Response to Third Wave three word challenge: freedom in submission (phrase)."

* Into Another Intensity by junediamanti (SS/ER; hard R to NC17; WIP that's already around 27,000 words) - "He was a half-blood; only half a wizard, but completely an outsider. He was poor, awkward and unattractive. These were not the ideal qualities for members of Slytherin house. The unpopular student, Severus Snape, seemed a misfit in the Hogwarts house that valued birth and position above all else. He burned with thwarted ambition, until one night, after a terrible experience, an unexpected person offered the hand of friendship and changed his life forever."

* Kind Master by bitterfig (SS/ER; rated R with warnings for mature themes, character death and hints of chan, dub/non-con, humiliation and abuse; 1,719 words) - "Severus Snape belonged to Evan Rosier. He was owned, like a book or a piece of jewelry. He had been owned for the past decade, ever since he was twelve years old. Author’s Note: This piece was written for the thematic_hp Slavery fest for challenge #157 - person A decides they are deeply in “true love” with person B and binds his/herself to them as a slave in an effort to prove it. Unfortunately person B is uninterested and person A eventually realizes that it was only infatuation after all. To make matters worse the bond is permanent."

* Leavings by Chaos Rose (SS/ER/Wilkes; R/NC-17; 2,054 words) - "The first night of the rest of their lives. NOTES: Part of the Severus Snape Fuh-Q Fest in response to Lothlorien's three-word challenge of pain, deference and eschew. 'Algolagnia' universe again, can be read as a stand-alone."

* Libera Me by sionnain (SS/ER; PG-13; ~4,660 words) - "Severus Snape accompanies Evan Rosier to New Orleans, and learns what the rewards for his service to Voldemort can be...if he reaches out to take what is offered."

* Losing by Ceitlin Malefoy (SS/BCJr; PG; 340 words) - "A reflection of times past from an unexpected POV."

* Marquemort by snaples (SS/BCJr; NC-17; drabble-ish) - "The Hog's Head Pub, Hogsmeade, mid '79, Pre-Snape-turned-spy. Possible recruitment? Moonpetal's challenge. Drabble."

* Maybe by fiercefragile (SS/Pettigrew, low R; 1,246 words) - "Snape gets over his resistance."

* My Medicine by pinepie (SS/BCJr; "PG, with hints of PG-13 and possibly NC-17 stuff"; ficlet) - "Taking place directly after Barty's interrogation in his (or Moody's)office. He comes up with a plan to escape, but needs some help..."

* Night and Day by rexluscus (SS/Pettigrew; R/NC-17 with a warning for non-graphic sex; 523 words) - "Snape in the daytime and Snape in the nighttime are very different people." [Compiled with other ficlets in Seven Ways It Might Have Happened.]

* Not Enough [6/7spells, more linked here] by amor_remanet (SS/BCJr; hard PG/light PG-13 with warnins for "minor language, vague discussion of slashiness, angst and thematic elements out the ass, Imperius Curse, Crouch Senior POV"; 1,613 words) - "Only once has Barty been good enough in his father's eyes. Prompt: history repeats itself."

* Not Even for Me [4/7spells, more linked here] by amor_remanet (SS/BCJr; PG-13/R with warning for "language, slashiness, angst, almost character death"; 3,277 words) - "Mysterious illness, a bad day at work, and an accidental OD. Prompt: tomorrow is something we remember."

* Not Right [5/7spells, more linked here] by amor_remanet (SS/BCJr; PG-13/R with warnings for "angst, slash, wandering hands"; 469 words) - "Barty and booze don't mix. Prompt: puppet master."

* Not the Right Thing [7/7spells, more linked here] by amor_remanet (SS/BCJr; R with warnings for "language, thematic elements, character death, skillful manipulation, on-screen Cruciatus use... generally: Darkfic with slash"; 3,268) - "True or not, love is not known for running smoothly. Prompt: five shades of white."

* Not Tonight [1/7spells, more linked here] by amor_remanet (SS/BCJr; PG/PG-13; 1,179 words) - "After the Prank, Severus spends time at the astronomy tower; Barty follows him there. Prompt: glass moon."

* Not with a Bang [2/7spells, more linked here] by amor_remanet (SS/BCJr; PG-13, warnings for language and minor slashiness; 968 words) - "Barty is late for a tutoring session. Prompt: dragon tears."

* Nothing [3/7spells, more linked here] by amor_remanet (SS/BCJr, SS/LV, hinted BL/LV; R with warning for language, oral sex, voyeurism and angst; 1,710 words) - "Bella's a rat and Severus must prove his loyalty. Prompt: if you wanted honesty."

* Position by Golden Quill/golden_quill37 (SS/Pettigrew; PG; 703 words) - "Wormtail receives a harsh reminder."

* Reason In Itself Confounded by Mizzy (SS/various; NC-17; 4,788 words) - "PWP. Snape gets initiated into the Slytherin Quidditch Team. NOTES: Part of the Severus Snape Fuh-Q Fest, second wave. Response to Tricky Pairing Number 39: Snape/Slytherin Quidditch Team."

* Seven Ways It Might Have Happened [ficlets also listed here separately] by rexluscus (SS/Pettigrew; varying ratings; 3,739 words all together) - "Seven short ficlets about Severus Snape and Peter Pettigrew. Not connected, except for the first and last."

* Shades of Grey by Aileen Nulnore (SS/BC Jr. [as Moody]; rated "T"/PG-13; 643 words) - "Snape/CrouchAsMoody fic to answer Tinderblast's challenge. A Snape PoV monologue. It's not a happy fic." [Also available here.]

* Snape's Worst Christmas by amor_remanet (SS/BCJr; PG-13 for some violence and mild language; 4,145 words) - "Severus has been blissfully unaware of what Barty’s been doing for the recently fallen Dark Lord, until Mad-Eye Moody pays them a Christmas visit at their flat in London."

* Something Different (SS/FG; NC-17 with warning for "child abuse, violence, non-con"; 2,206 words) - "There was something different about this one."

* Substitute by rexluscus (SS/Pettigrew; NC-17 with a warning for wanking; 466 words) - "Peter takes what he can get." [Compiled with other ficlets in Seven Ways It Might Have Happened.]

* Summer Vacation by Chaos Rose (SS/ER/Wilkes; NC-17; 6,221 words) - "The summer holidays between sixth and seventh year. Three British boys on vacation in the Greek islands. Ouzo. Lots and lots of ouzo. Response to Third Wave three word challenge: Cryptoscopophilia, Haughty, Jamboree".

* Sweet Coin by ravenna_c_tan (SS/various, including but not limited to flashbacks and fantasies of SS/LM, SS/DM, SS/IK, SS/LV; NC-17 with warnings for dubious consent, prostitution, brief cutting/blood play, implied incest and "Death Eaters being Death Eaters"; 5,775 words) - "The war is over but Snape finds himself still dealing with the legacy of the Dark Mark and his past."

* Taboo by crise_cardiac (SS/FG; R; 980 words) - "Voldemort appoints Snape Emissary to the Werewolves."

* Teaspoon by Predatrix (SS/various, including SS/LM and SS/ER; R/NC-17; 7,540 words) - "No deep meaningful relationships here. Notes: Part of the Severus Snape Fuh-Q Fest, third wave. Challenge 13: Peeves can't wait to tell Snape what he saw."

* Temius by ravenchel (SS/BCJr/LV, sort of...; R; 1,627 words) - "Temius; akin to Latin temetum - intoxicating drink."

* The Line Begins to Blur by thesnapelyone (SS/RL, RL/NT, SS/FG; PG-13 to NC-17; WIP) - "Only two people ever trusted Severus as more than a reformed Death Eater, but Albus is dead and Remus has lost faith in him. Alone, Severus begins to lose sight of himself, desperately seeking to hold on to redemption even as he is pulled deeper into Darkness."

* The Miseducation of Severus Snape by Not Exactly Dickens/hb_princess (primarily SS/SB, some SS/LM, SS/LV, SS/JP, SS/Pettigrew, mentions of SS/BL, SS/NM, SS/RoL, SS/Avery, SS/ER and SS/OC; NC-17 with a truckload of warnings, including non-con, soft BDSM, rape, bestiality, references to child abuse, mental illness and orgies, fantasies of gory violence and murder, torture, etc.; v.v.v. long) - "Sirius Black is obsessed. Severus Snape is confused. Five months that will change their lives."

* The Occupational Hazards of Grave Robbing by thesnapelyone (SS/RaL; PG-13; 1,927 words) - "Severus needs a cadaver. The Dark Lord needs a Horcrux recovered. Rabastan needs sex. And the Order needs a clue." [Also available here.]

* The Potions Master and The Werewolf Went a Courtin' by merrymeiking (SS/FG; R/NC-17; 848 words).

* The Storm and the Chase by summerborn (SS/JP, SS/LE, SS/RoL, SS/RB, SS/ER, SS/LM, SS/NM; hard R with warnings for "reference to dub-con and sex between students under the age of 17"; long) - "A troubled teen longs for a meaningful relationship with one of his tormentors."

* Uncommon Perversions by Rhys (SS/Crabbe Sr.; NC-17 with warnings for extreme violence and torture; ~45KB) - "Part of the Severus Snape Fuh-Q Fest, scenario #10: During a torture scene, when Snape is an active Deatheater."

* Uneven by rexluscus (SS/Pettigrew; NC-17 with a warning for non-con, 789 words) - "After three nighttime visits to Snape, Peter had a sudden, horrifying realization..." [A sequel to Day One: Even. Compiled with other ficlets in Seven Ways It Might Have Happened.]

* What Fetish? by Jean Tarin (SS/LM, SS/RaL or RoL; R/NC-17; 1,024 words) - "Sev likes to get things pierced. NOTES: Part of the Severus Snape Fuh-Q Fest; Scenario 5: Snape hadn't realized that was a fetish."

Drabbles (100-200 words or under)

* A Common Misconception by amor_remanet (SS/BCJr; R with warnings for "language, violence, violent sex, slash, etc."; 100 words) - "Prompts: I want to fuck you like an animal and weakness."

* Feast and Famine by pauraque (SS/Pettigrew; R; 100 words). [Also available here.]

* Fingers by mewling (implied SS/ER; PG; 200 words) - "Rosier waits for the aurors. So why not just play piano."

* Proxy by rexluscus (SS/Pettigrew; NC-17 with a warning for non-con; 100 words) - "Snape lives in the past." [Compiled with other ficlets in Seven Ways It Might Have Happened.]


* The Manservant Gets His by bonnieslasher (SS/Pettigrew; R, NWS!)

Misc (in order of addition)

* Log: Severus Snape and Evan Rosier by prince_sev (SS/ER; NC-17; ??) - "Why Severus is so angry at Evan. Indirectly, at least." // Appears to be part of an RPG.

* The hoggiewartsrp RPG has an SS/ER story line, see for example here and here.

* mctabby and friends discuss SS/ER, in this meta thread.

* Severus Snape and the Gang of Slytherins (gen essay/meta).

* Drowning in you - A Snape/Barty Crouch Jr. fanmix by amor_remanet.

Death Eater slash
* An attempt at a Rabastan fic listing, of sorts by dementedsiren
* burningmark - newsletter for DE pairings, fic and art links, gen, slash and het.
* deatheaters - general comm (fic, art, icons etc).
* thedarkorder
* hpde_smutathon - DE smut-a-thon.
* lestrangers - Permutations of Bella, Rodolphus, Rabastan and others.
* crouchjr - Barty Crouch Jr. fangirling central.
Snape slash
* Loads of resources which I'm too lazy to C&P
* My other master lists

Posted: 26JUL07 (compiled 15JUN07, DH SPOILER FREE until the next update, due 15AUG07). If you know of any further links that can fit here, please comment to have them added. <333

recs: slashfic: hp, hp, master list, snape, slash

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