
Oct 25, 2009 07:25

Pairing: Clex
Genre: Angst
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: set in Calling
Summary: Clark has trouble with his toast.
A/N: written for sv100 prompt: past prompt/ green.

Clark slammed yet another book of poetry closed and thumped his feet against the loft floor in frustration.

He knew what was expected of him. His role was very clear: make a joke, compliment the bride, toast the couple. Be clever, be brief, and get out of the way.

His big problem was not so much finding what words to say; it was the words he wanted to say, and knew now he couldn't.

Jealousy was not a green-eyed monster after all: she was a stately woman with raven hair and a scheming mouth who’d stolen his best friend away.

drabbles, sv100

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