New Year's

Oct 24, 2009 15:54

Pairing: Clex
Genre: Angst
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: I envision this being set in S4 because it's a little rifty - though you could probably place it anywhere.
Summary: Lex rings in the New Year.
A/N: written for sv100 prompt: past prompt/ New Years. (I'm adding the apostrophe, dammit, and you can't stop me.)

Lex slipped out onto the balcony just as the clock struck twelve. Over his shoulder, the riotous noise of the partygoers faded until at last the door clicked shut.

Let them kiss without him.

He hadn’t been able to escape Clark entirely. Their gazes had met and locked when the crowd stilled to begin the unison countdown. But as others sought and embraced their midnight partners, Lex held Clark’s eyes and their unspoken question for one sad moment - then released, and turned away.

New Year's for many symbolized hope; but what occupied Lex’s thoughts tonight were all his broken resolutions.

drabbles, sv100

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